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Tara Evans
T.A. Evans, author

Adult; Romance; (Market)

Twenty year old college freshman Clare Brenton commences at Pennsylvania University. Falls in love with Professor Andrew Meyer twenty years her senior. Relationship escalates but Clare is confused by his real motives. Clare constantly battles to gain approval and unconditional love from narcissi and alcoholic mother Lynette. Clare’s love life is a disaster as only the wrong men pursue her, until she meets the gorgeous Andrew Meyer. This proves to be a controversial but enticing relationship. Is it authentic or is Clare just the victim of a midlife crisis? Clare starts dating Andrew, she now goes public with her relationship. Friends and family are skeptical about the true motives of them both. Clare has to introduce Andrew to her dysfunctional family. Naris sic alcoholic mother Lynette and weak willed brother Byron. Clare is harassed by relationship with Andrew. Ex-girlfriends Lauren returns to haunt them. Clare marries Andrew they settle down to ordinary life. Andrew’s ex-girlfriend keeps returning to their lives. All women are interested in Andrew. Clare feels insecure about everything as her mother continues to undermine her. What is their real agenda? Clare goes to Hawaii on mini break with best friend Alison. Lauren makes an attempt on her life. Major secret is revealed by Linda. (Lynette’s sister in law) Lynette has been keeping a huge secret all their lives, she now reveals that Byron’s father is not her husband. A truck driver called Brain Mason is Byron’s real Dad. Andrew and Clare return to the UK where Andrew has accepted a position as Vice Chancellor at Cambridge University.
