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Glenn Meganck
Bad Vibrations
Glenn Eric, author
Sometimes a house IS NOT a home. Inspired by real events, in this gripping novel of suspense, a struggling midlist romance writer and his frustrated-sculptor wife leave NYC for the North Carolina mountains. Desperate to complete his latest novel, Arlo and Joanna Priestley take his literary agent’s advice and pack up for the mountains. Their temporary home is the empty cabin belonging to Colm Finn, a successful and reclusive romance author. While Arlo attempts to write and Joanna attempts to sculpt, the spirt-haunted land has other plans. So do other people. And those plans do not bode well for the pair… In the tradition of Burnt Offerings and The Other. Glenn Eric is a pen name for Glenn Meganck, a successful author, musician, and ghostwriter. As JR Ripley, he has penned dozens of crime novels. His songs and videos have appeared on MTV and around the world and he is the successful ghostwriter of multiple works of nonfiction and fiction.
