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Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2024
  • 9798989454143 B0D6FWVJVW
  • 174 pages
  • $16.99
Ebook Details
  • 06/2024
  • 979-8-9894541-5-0 B0D4N321F6
  • 174 pages
  • $9.99
Christin Collins
be. love.

be. love. is a transformative guide that welcomes the reader on a profound journey into self-discovery and healing. Drawing from her experience as a health and wellness coach and her insights as a mindfulness facilitator, Christin Collins explores the essential role of love in achieving true wellness and inner peace. be. love. delves into the complexities of the human spirit, emphasizing the power of self-love and compassion as pivotal forces in personal growth and health.

Through compelling narratives and practical exercises, Christin supports the reader with tools to dismantle barriers that prevent love from flourishing within. Her approach is holistic, addressing the mind, body, and soul to foster a life of balance and harmony. After challenging us to confront the turmoil, trauma, and stresses that cloud our lives, be. love. guides us into coherence and a regenerative lifestyle.

Each chapter builds upon the previous one, forming a ladder of evolutionary steps that lead the reader into a more compassionate and mindful existence. Christin’s writing resonates with warmth and authenticity, making complex concepts accessible and motivation actionable. If you are seeking to transform your life through the power of love and mindfulness, be. love. is your compelling roadmap for a more fulfilled and peaceful life.

Sarah Owen, Business Executive

"be. love. is profound. It presents love as a navigational GPS in a relatable and innovative way. This book is a gift to the world!"

Scott Kashman, MHA, FACHE, Healthcare Executive

"be. love. is a practical guide infused with authenticity and actionable insights. Each chapter serves as a step on the path to a healthier, happier life."

Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2024
  • 9798989454143 B0D6FWVJVW
  • 174 pages
  • $16.99
Ebook Details
  • 06/2024
  • 979-8-9894541-5-0 B0D4N321F6
  • 174 pages
  • $9.99
