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Orly katz
be positive
It happened in the middle of a math class. The teacher asked a question which I knew the answer was as clear as day so I decided to pluck up the courage to raise my hand. Up to this day I’m not sure who was more excited, me for having raised my hand, or my teacher who was seeing me ready to answer a question (and open my mouth to talk) for the first time since I’d landed in her class… “Yes, what’s the answer?” asked the teacher… I’m sure you know the feeling of those moments when everything goes blank, a “black out” when your answer suddenly gets stuck somewhere and you’re sure that you don’t know anything and you can’t remember anything… That’s exactly what happened to me. At that moment, when I realized that I was going to speak, I went silent; I forgot what I wanted to say. Interested to read what happened next? There are no two ways about it - the ways to become successful, cool and confident are already inside of you! You already have the inner strength to help you get there and this book will show you how to use it! In this book you’ll learn: • How to think positively! • How to believe in your selves! • How to succeed at school and with others, in everything that that you want and could wish for… Let me share the secret with you – of how to become attractive no matter what you look like, how to attract to yourself the reality that you really want!! This essential book for kids, parents & teachers includes: • True life stories about growing up! • Tips, helpful rules, simple to do exercises! • Fun ‘test yourself’ questionnaires • A personal journal All of which will help you discover how to be positive, think positive and feel positive and most importantly how to be “simply me” and to survive primary school!
