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Adam Tremellen
Be Stoic, Be Happy - A Simple Guide to Living a Happier Life

Young Adult; Self-Help, Sex & Relationships, Psychology, Philosophy, Fashion; (Market)

Life can be hard, unjust and unfair but you can still be happy! Through a basic explanation of stoic thinking, Be Stoic, Be Happy provides a simple guide to help you improve your well-being, become more resilient in life and to reduce anxiety, anger, and stress. Embodied most famously by the Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius; Stoicism provides a set of principles to live by including being kind, having discipline, only focusing on what you can control, only acting on what can be acted upon, and living life with appreciation and gratitude. Written primarily for teenagers and young adults trying to find their way in the world, it is also just as valuable to more mature readers looking for a gentle introduction to Stoicism or simply seeking ideas to living a happier life. The ideas and quotes throughout this book will help provide you a new perspective in difficult times and an actionable path to a life of happiness.

I bought this for my grandson who is a high school wrestler. Liked it so much, I bought one for myself. The book is small but sticks to the basic points. Very encouraging and enlightening. This is one I'm going to read more than once. Thanks for sharing your knowledge in such a simple and understandable way. It truly allows one to practice Stoicism in our daily lives. I've read several books on this subject and this far exceeds them all. Same knowledge, just presented in a usable way vs a history lesson.

