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Bear Hugs Help Create Smiles & It's Just a Little Pinch!

Young Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

Bear Hugs Help You Grow Smiles I'm Beany, Gracie's teddy bear. I know that's who I belong to cause I heard someone call her that a million times! Gracie keeps me right on her bed, front and center of the pillow. I'm pretty cute for a teddy bear, even if I say so myself. I’m a light-ish beige with a white belly and white fur around my neck. I have blue eyes and little pink hearts on the bottom of my paws. Gracie loved me the minute her mother gave me to her. She hugged me so tight, I almost couldn’t breathe, but that was okay when I saw her smile grow bigger and bigger! I knew then that we were meant for each other, and we would be together for a very long time. I’ve been on the bed now for what seems forever, but there’s been no Gracie. Where is my little Gracie? I miss her warm hugs so much. It's Just a Little Pinch! Jeremy sat in the middle of his bedroom floor building a Space Station with Legos. He was trying to keep his mind off the movie they had watched last night, 'The Attack of the Pod People.' It had been scary (at least he thought so), and every time he heard a strange noise, he just knew there would be one of those pods being dropped.
