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Amanda Johnson
Becoming Free: From Letting Go to Embracing It All
Becoming Free is a story of one woman’s quest to unshackle herself from everything she fears and express more of who she truly is. This book takes the reader on a journey—both literally and metaphorically—of self-discovery, getting to the root of what letting go truly means. Having spent a lifetime needing to understand it all and figure it out, Amanda struggled to understand why she felt stuck despite her ability to end a marriage, quit jobs, travel the world, have multiple lovers, and do as she pleased. This frustration led to a key realization. The journey of non-attachment isn’t what we think. As Amanda discovers along the way, the path to freedom isn’t found in “having” or “not having”; it’s found in embracing all of it with an open heart. Join Amanda as she guides you through the (at times) unacceptable nature of being human—from the valleys of Peru to the beaches of Costa Rica to the piazzas of Italy to the cities of America—reminding you of the paradox of existence while finding comfort in the discomfort.
