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Board book Book Details
  • 9780998439716 0998439711
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Behowl the Moon: An Ageless Story from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
“Now the hungry lion roars, And the wolf behowls the moon…” This beautiful book weaves a story of nighttime adventure and frolic using Puck’s lines from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream Act 5.2. Fairies and animals caper through the moonlit countryside through park and pale, over hill and over dale, before they all settle in for a long, peaceful sleep. The perfect bedtime story for small Shakespeare fans and their parents.
Parekh excerpts two sections of Puck’s speeches at the end of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which Amini (Golden Domes and Silver Lanterns) brings to haunting life in illustrations that help clarify the Shakespearean language. As “the heavy ploughman snores,” night falls and an assembly of creatures that includes a lion, wolf, donkey, fairies, and three sprites released from their graves cavort across a landscape of blackened hills and trees. The imagery is dark, even startling at times, yet the closing scenes show these unlikely companions gathering tenderly around a campfire before falling asleep. An unusual and lovely introduction to the rhythms and cadences of Shakespeare’s writing. Up to age 3. (BookLife)
Board book Book Details
  • 9780998439716 0998439711
  • pages
  • $
