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Bertie's Place
Edie Goodwin, author
Bertie's Place, published by Westbow Press, is the heartfelt story of a young teacher, Molly Parsons, as she attempts to navigate her first year out of college. Along the way, she finds herself wading through love, loss, heartache, and betrayal. Twenty-two-year-old Molly Parsons has just graduated from college when she lands a job teaching fifth grade in Winslow, a small farming community in northeastern Ohio. Just as she and her friend Eva are preparing to move into their new apartment, Eva backs out, leaving Molly without a place to live— until she finds Bertie’s Place, a boardinghouse operating out of a beautiful Victorian home. Bertie's Place proves to be a safe space for Molly to grow as a young woman and explore love, fellowship, and spirituality, all while taking on the challenge of becoming an effective teacher for the students in her new community. In Bertie's Place, providing quality education becomes the glue that binds Molly to Winslow. With toughness, resilience, and a heart full of love, Molly settles into her teaching role while juggling dating, friendship, and family issues. Hospitality, fellowship, faith, and school life connect powerfully in Bertie's Place as Molly learns to call Winslow home. PRAISE FOR BERTIE’S PLACE “[...] [A] treasure of hard work, memories, and wisdom. Every student who wishes to become a teacher of any subject should read this story. It shows the mistakes most new teachers make and how to avoid them. [...] Those who work for the love of teaching will profit in so many ways by reading the truth inside the covers...” —David Martin, Fine Lines Quarterly Literary Journal
