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Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • 02/2016
  • B01B3K8U3Y
  • 376 pages
  • $3.99
Between: Many crimes go misunderstood and unpunished. But not forever.
This is a unique suspense novel, and the twists are not as you would expect . Many crimes go misunderstood and unpunished. But not forever. The young Primo is not sure how he died. Nor is he sure who to blame. But he is most certainly dead and not enjoying it, and so blames himself. He won’t allow those wretched shiny do-gooders to tell him what he should be doing, but the flying gangs from the lower planes are no longer his friends either. Heaven is not the paradise he expected, and now Primo simply wants to be left alone. After all, once dead, recrimination seem to promise small benefit. There are many other blundering souls and they all have their hopes, their histories and their failings to overcome. There is a great deal to see and the freedom to see it, but Primo chooses a life with the birds and shuns humanity. Until he meets Daisy. Yet once comfortable with Daisy, Wilmot arrives and unravels his composure all over again. Primo must, after all, face the circumstances of his death and the surprising truth of his life, leading to the final twist. Lose yourself in this gripping story of Primo and the crimes he thought he had committed.
Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • 02/2016
  • B01B3K8U3Y
  • 376 pages
  • $3.99
