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Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2014
  • 9780983865384
  • 240 pages
  • $18.95
Ebook Details
  • 01/2015
  • 0983865388 B00SW08NJ0
  • 113 pages
  • $
Marilyn Gardner
Between Worlds
Between Worlds is a set of essays on culture and belonging. Divided into 7 sections, these essays explore the rootlessness and grief as well as the unexpected moments of humor and joy that are a part of living between two worlds. Between Worlds charts a journey between the cultures of East and West, the comfort of being surrounded by loved ones and familiar places, and the loneliness of not belonging.

Just finished reading Between Worlds by Marilyn R. Gardner. Can't begin to describe what a delight it was to journey through her words to places she's loved and passages she's taken across a lifetime, essentially "between worlds". She is an adult TCK (third culture kid) who also raised TCK's overseas for several years before settling (for now) in the US. Having lived for many years overseas ourselves, this book was like reading letters from an old friend. And yet, I also learned so much new about the TCK experience for our own children as we are now all back in the US. Marilyn's vivid word pictures brought back memories of our own experiences in far-away places and our own adjustment to life in US. The book is in ways prescriptive, descriptive, and devotional. So transparent. I can just taste the chai of Pakistan and the coffee of Egypt...and I can see the streets of Boston, too. What a rich life she and her family have...and we enter in, not just hers but the lives of others who find themselves "home, but not home", through this sweet book. Review from Amazon 


I LOVE this book! As a TCK now living overseas again as an adult, I could relate perfectly to almost everything the author says. Even though I've never lived in the particular places where she has, there's just something about the overseas experience that we all share. If I knew Marilyn Gardner personally, I would have called her up several different times to say, "Yes! You nailed it! I know EXACTLY what that's like!" A number of times I was moved to tears as I read, just because her stories resonated so clearly with me. I really think every adult TCK and parent of a TCK should read this. Actually, it would be particularly helpful for teenage TCKs in the process of transitioning back to their passport countries. I wish I had read it back then, myself - it would have made things a little easier, just to have a clearer understanding of what I was going through and to know that I wasn't alone in what I was feeling.

I've recommended this book to my whole family, and several of them have bought it and read it already. I plan to recommend it to expat friends in my community, too. Thank you, Marilyn, for putting into words what we all go through!

Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2014
  • 9780983865384
  • 240 pages
  • $18.95
Ebook Details
  • 01/2015
  • 0983865388 B00SW08NJ0
  • 113 pages
  • $
