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Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2019
  • 9781733912709 1733912703
  • 600 pages
  • $19.99
Robert Knotts
Beyond Me: Dissecting Ego To Find The Innate Love At Humanity's Core/ A New Psychology As Philosophy

Adult; Other Nonfiction; (Market)

Why? Why does it happen to almost everyone? We each suffer frequent bouts of self-doubt, often for no clear or sensible reason. We struggle against brutal self-criticism, the voices in our heads that insist we are not good enough. "Something must be wrong with me!" We sabotage our best interests. And we consider all this to be the necessary price of living with our past, simply a byproduct of human nature. But Beyond Me argues that it isn't a necessary aspect of human nature at all. We each are struggling to confirm through the judgments of the outside world a broad collection of self-images that are entirely irrational. When we can’t do it, we each become sick. Year by year by year, sick at heart, sick of mind. We constantly look for our true selves in the eyes of others, but the truth isn’t there. Beyond Me explains that many of humanity’s worst problems are caused by this malady, which the author has named "Identity Failure." This powerfully insightful book explores in great psychological detail our human tendency toward self-doubt, self-criticism and self-sabotage. And it demonstrates convincingly that this nearly universal problem is learned, directly resulting from the many significant but irrational self-images that individuals attempt to validate through outside appreciation by others. Beyond Me shows why this effort can never fully succeed, leaving individuals to flounder emotionally and society to suffer the subsequent consequences. The book explores Identity Failure’s sweeping destructive impact on individuals and society in a story told often through the author’s intense personal experiences and uncompromising, highly original self-analysis. But Beyond Me also finds an innate love within every individual, the desire to be, to exist. And the book presents a new full-blown philosophy called Rational Faith based on this innate love, offering that rational approach to living as a solution to Identity Failure. Beyond Me is a supremely hopeful fresh view of humanity. It shows that human beings can enjoy healthier, more fulfilled lives and raise healthier, well-balanced children through transcending the ego’s immediate self-interest in favor of a deeper, innate love that inspires individuals to help other people unconditionally.
Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2019
  • 9781733912709 1733912703
  • 600 pages
  • $19.99
