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Ebook Details
  • 02/2024
  • 9798989852918 B0CTKF6YT3
  • 286 pages
  • $3.99
Paperback Details
  • 01/2023
  • 9798989852901 B0CW39NRL3
  • 286 pages
  • $12.95
Hardcover Details
  • 03/2024
  • 9798989852963 B0CXLV27HJ
  • 286 pages
  • $21.95
Beyond the Sea: Annie's Journey into the Extraordinary
Nina Purtee, author

Adult; Romance; (Market)

See the world, search for a missing father, and find your greatest love.

After a recent tragedy that sends Annie into a spiral of guilt and uncertainty, her Spanish grandfather offers her the opportunity to board his lavish sailing vessel for an extraordinary journey. 

Her grandfather insists that this is exactly what Annie needs to lift her spirits and provide a renewed sense of direction in her life. So naturally, her inner horizons are expanded by her international voyage's idyllic sights, diverse traditions and unique friends she encounters. 

Along the way, Annie finds herself entangled in a love triangle between two romantic suitors from different worlds…a handsome Spanish matador, Ramone, and a seemingly gentle Moroccan man with mesmerizing eyes, El Amir. 

Annie wonders if romance has distracted her from the real reason for her adventure— searching for news of her missing British diplomat father, caught in the controversial British turnover of Hong Kong to China in the mid-1990s.

With the intrigue building, Annie quickly discovers her intended sea voyage has turned into something else altogether.

Will Annie find love, her father, or more?

Stephanie Elizabeth Long for Reader Views 5*

A Once-In-A-Lifetime Voyage Brimming with Mystery and Swoon-Worthy Romance...I enjoyed the book's sense of adventure, bolstered by Annie's free spirit. Propelled by the need for clarity, she willingly followed her heart and never let fear get in the way.

As a reader, I was fully immersed in the number of exotic locations Annie traversed. Thanks to the author's vivid descriptions, it was easy to be transported there. I could taste the delectable Moroccan cuisine, envision the majestic wildlife in Tanzania, and feel the wind whipping through my hair on an exhilarating hot air balloon ride. However, my favorite was the vibrancy of Thailand, which filled my heart with excitement and longing to travel.

Beyond the exotic locations, Annie had a mystery to solve. The author didn't disappoint, sprinkling breadcrumbs throughout to keep me guessing what had become of her father. Meeting comrades of her father's and unearthing secret letters had me voraciously devouring every page, trying to uncover the truth!

Moreover, Annie's plight regarding two romantic suitors highlighted the complexities and perils of love. How could she think clearly when her heart was so conflicted?
Annie was a well-rounded character, and I particularly enjoyed her introspective nature. The young woman's journal was a clever illustration of her thoughts. What did she hope to find on her journey? Who could she trust?

Entries with musings and existential questioning gave me a clear understanding of Annie's internal dialogue, giving the story another layer of dimension. Moreover, every journal entry illustrated her growth and evolution.

Overall, I was enthralled by Annie's adventure. The author's ability to paint a beautiful picture with her words transported me to remote locations. I gleaned facts about sailing and other cultures, and Annie was a likable protagonist. If you're looking for a book to provide the ultimate escape, don't miss out on this one. It will surely fill you with the longing to travel!

Both Beyond the Sea and Crossing Paths win Literary Titan Silver Awards!

Celebrating the brilliance of outstanding authors who have captivated us with their skillful prose, engaging narratives, and compelling real and imagined characters. We recognize books that stand out for their innovative storytelling and insightful exploration of truth and fiction. Join us in honoring the dedication and skill of these remarkable authors as we celebrate the diverse and rich worlds they’ve brought to life, whether through the realm of imagination or the lens of reality.

Ebook Details
  • 02/2024
  • 9798989852918 B0CTKF6YT3
  • 286 pages
  • $3.99
Paperback Details
  • 01/2023
  • 9798989852901 B0CW39NRL3
  • 286 pages
  • $12.95
Hardcover Details
  • 03/2024
  • 9798989852963 B0CXLV27HJ
  • 286 pages
  • $21.95
