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Ebook Details
  • 05/2023
  • 9781957696157 B0C59GRTTV
  • 36 pages
  • $1.99
Paperback Details
  • 05/2023
  • 9781957696171 1957696176
  • 36 pages
  • $11.99
Hardcover Details
  • 05/2023
  • 9781967696164 1957696168
  • 36 pages
  • $24.68
Judith A. Ewa
Bibi Saves the Honey Bees
Bibi notices the honey bees near her house are becoming less and less, and becomes concerned about their plight. She wants to ensure that kids have honey at breakfast for years to come. Bibi and her friends embark on an adventure to save the honey bees, navigating through a maze of obstacles Mother Nature throws in their path. Will they be able to overcome all the obstacles, so they can help the honey bees? Entertaining, touching and educational, Bibi Saves the Honey Bees will help children understand that they, as individuals, can make a difference to our planet.
Around the world, honeybees are struggling to survive. Ewa’s inspiring picture book for young children shows how a little girl named Bibi decides to help. In the field near her house where Bibi and her friends like to play, she notices the bee population dwindling. Her mother explains that the insecticides farmers use to keep bugs away are also making bees sick. Bibi realizes no bees means no honey, so she starts contemplating ways she can save these essential pollinators. Ultimately Bibi and her friends work together to plant a flower garden where bees “could drink nectar freely, happily, and safely.” After a bit of trial and error, the kids’ garden thrives and becomes a safe haven for bees.

This book’s greatest strength is Bibi’s user-friendly approach to tackling what at first glance seems to be an insurmountable problem. While she can’t stop growers from using harmful chemicals, she instead focuses on what she can do, and she enlists the aid of those close to her to get it done. Almost anyone can plant at least some type of bee-friendly flower, whether in the yard or a pot on the patio. This straightforward action will encourage kids to pursue their own solutions. Bibi also does not successfully sprout her seedlings on her first try. Her resilience and determination will encourage young readers not to give up on their own environmental pursuits.

Solomiia’s colorful illustrations show bright-eyed Bibi and her friends playing outdoors in an idyllic, grassy landscape lush with flowers and dotted with black-and-yellow striped bees. They are also shown smiling while digging in the dirt and treating their plant beds with stones, twigs, and compost, their excitement evident when their seedlings finally poke through the dirt after a nourishing rain. This encouraging story provides an accessible introduction to a growing problem—and shows kids simple ways they can help.

Takeaway: Rousing, informative picture book of a girl, a garden, and helping to save the bees.

Comparable Titles: Shabazz Larkin’s The Thing About Bees, Bethany Barton’s Give Bees a Chance.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A-
Illustrations: A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A

Ebook Details
  • 05/2023
  • 9781957696157 B0C59GRTTV
  • 36 pages
  • $1.99
Paperback Details
  • 05/2023
  • 9781957696171 1957696176
  • 36 pages
  • $11.99
Hardcover Details
  • 05/2023
  • 9781967696164 1957696168
  • 36 pages
  • $24.68
