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Cheryl Olsten
Big Wishes for Little Feat
Big Wishes for Little Feat. A magical tale for young children about facing the challenges life throws your way. And so it is with a horse named Lafitte De Muze, (“Little Feat,” as he is later nicknamed) and a young girl named Ella—who live on opposite sides of the world and are eventually brought together on the same path by a bit of fate, their love and awe of the beautiful stars above, Ella’s quirky Aunt Anastasia, and one special shooting star. Lafitte’s lessons come early, as he has to learn to overcome disappointments and turn disappointments into achievements. He rises to the occasion with determination and not letting anything get in his way. Ella, who is very bright and has an inquisitive mind (along with an adventurous spirit), faces an unexpected journey; one that will change the course of her life forever. The story unfolds in the Kingdom of Belgium in the countryside where Lafitte is born, and Ella’s Aunt Anastasia resides. Big Wishes for Little Feat is about building confidence, overcoming obstacles, and believing in yourself.
