An inventive and exciting techno-thriller, Black00 is sure to appeal to fans of The Maze Runner. Set in a world where transhuman augentation is the norm and a mysterious black death mist called Black00 has reshaped society, Daia's novel follows a tech-savvy everyman heroine named Laton who signs up for lethal research program to raise money to save her kidnapped brother. Black00 delivers an original adventure full of memorable characters that will leave readers eager for the next installment.
Date Submitted: August 13, 2016
An inventive and exciting techno-thriller, Black00 is sure to appeal to fans of The Maze Runner. Set in a world where transhuman augmentation is the norm and a mysterious black death mist called Black00 has reshaped society, Daia's novel follows a tech-savvy everyman heroine named Laton who signs up for lethal research program to raise money to save her kidnapped brother. Black00 delivers an original adventure full of memorable characters that will leave readers eager for the next installment.