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Declan Cosson
Blood and Gears
In the wake of World War Three, the militaristic state of Terra is the last major bastion of human civilisation and its main army is the Legion, comprised of a genetically modified race of superhuman men known as Legionnaires who are currently engaged in a total war with armies of so called "machines", a race of robotic monsters. Amidst this chaos, nineteen year old Zach Harker is pressed into the legion where he fights a battle not only in the name of humanity but in the name of his honour and principles as well.
Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

Blood and death are the foundation upon which civilization is built and preserved. Commander Rufus Thorne is troubled as the battle for Edinburg rages on in Blood and Gears by Declan Cosson. The machines have the upper hand. Can the flying fortress intervene and save the day? Legionnaires are the key to this fight. Zach joins the legionnaires after the death of Hans and is assigned to the alpha squad. Can Zach measure up to their standards? Will he add value to the battle for St. Petersburg against the onslaught of the machines? The black mouth is a monstrosity made to turn the tide of the Third World War, but now it seems invisible in its destruction of humanity. Can it be stopped? Blood and Gears by Declan Cosson is a meticulously written work of science fiction that details the fight between humans and machines that have gone rogue. The story is entertaining and thought provoking, especially now that Artificial Intelligence is being developed at an alarming speed. It got me thinking not only about the benefits of technology but also about its downside. With his vivid descriptions of the events and the battles, Declan captures the reader's imagination. The characters are also well-developed, and the plotline is flawless and flows seamlessly. I would love to see a movie based on this book. Declan has also used easy-to understand language in the book, which makes the story accessible to any reader. I can't wait to read something else from Declan.

