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Blood & Nectar
Written through times of Burnout and contrastingly, through times when exaltation encapsulated the air, leaving a taste of 'Melancholy Euphoria,' this very book is the amalgamation of blood and nectar, suggesting the co-existence of strength with weakness, telling on the agonizing truths while maintaining solidarity. Reflecting on themes such as Pessimism, Nihilism and on many more ideas that outright questions, containing an underlying attack on the reality we live in while delving into concepts that impacts the psychology of an individual producing an uproar of strong emotions. Some of the pieces deal with concepts such as acceptance and endurance while some are outrageous messages, lamenting over the bloodshed of 'mind and body,' and the rest are simply the celebration of 'nectar of life,' rejuvenating the spirits. Blood & Nectar could very well be called the illustration of misery and gaiety.
