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Ebook Details
  • 07/2024
  • 978-1960942067 B0D192PYMJ
  • 188 pages
  • $2.99
Paperback Details
  • 07/2024
  • 978-1960942067
  • 260 pages
  • $14.99
Raven Belasco
Author, Contributor
Blood Triad
In Blood Triad, meet the vampires (am’r) of the world of the Blood & Ancient Scrolls series in ways you’ve never seen them before. Blood Triad brings you the backstories of Zoraida, Wulfhram and Dubhghall, and Astryiah. You’ve met them in passing in the novels, now find out what made them the am’r they are today with glimpses back into Haiti’s turbulent history, the Viking invasions of the 900s on the Scottish coast, and a woman’s view of 1940’s Philadelphia. These stories feature intense personal growth for their dynamic main characters, and, despite all their challenges, an enduring belief in love and the courage to hope. Standalone novellas, each story can be enjoyed without having previously read any of the series.
Belasco offers readers a captivating and deeply moving glimpse into the world of the am’r, akin to vampires, in these three standalone novellas set in the world of her debut series, Blood & Ancient Scrolls. The collection delves into the backstories of side characters from the series, the first two recounted to the protagonist, Noosh, as she embarks on archiving the histories of the am’r. In "Teeth Are Bones," readers are transported to Haiti, where Zoraida and her lover and patar, Kgosi, fight for the liberation of their homeland amidst the backdrop of historical atrocities. "Blood Brothers" explores the enduring bond between Scottish am’r Dubhghall and Viking Norwegian am’r Wulfhram, forged through centuries of shared experiences. Lastly, "Abyssinia" follows the story of am’r woman Astryiah and her romantic relationship with Palmina in Prohibition-era Philadelphia, a story drawn from the life of Belasco’s grandmother as the protagonists aid women seeking abortions in a society unwilling to afford them support and services.

Readers will find themselves fully immersed in the vividly depicted world of the am’r as Belasco's intimate storytelling delves into intricate bonds of friendship, love, and resilience. Each novella offers a distinctive perspective and contributes depth to the overarching narrative of Blood & Ancient Scrolls while still proving welcoming to new readers. The exploration of historical settings and events adds urgency and variety, with engaging period detail never slowing narrative momentum. Belasco adeptly navigates themes such as love, loyalty, and trust throughout the novellas, resulting in three moving reads. A heart-to-heart between Astriyah and Palmina on death, life, blood, and Dracula pulses with feeling, while the range of milieus (and Belasco’s mastery of her world) yield a bounty of striking detail and situations.

Blood Triad is a must-read for fans of vampire fiction and historical fantasy, especially those who value meticulously researched narratives that deliver immersive world-building, nuanced character dynamics and diverse perspectives, and thought-provoking explorations of love and resilience.

Takeaway: Resonant, immersive historical vampire novellas with diverse themes.

Comparable Titles: Deborah Harkness's The All Souls Trilogy, Octavia Butler’s Fledgling

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Patrick Califia, author of Mortal Companion

This delicious series has bewitched me. Raven Belasco has built a convincing, detailed world full of violence and romance. Here is a sharp-toothed triple threat of sensuous, deeply-felt back stories. Highly recommended!

Tara Campbell, author of City of Dancing Gargoyles and TreeVolution

Blood Triad sweeps readers across eras and locations, from the ancient Norsemen and Picts of the 900s, to the turbulent colonial history of Haiti, to Prohibition-era Philadelphia, infusing each of these periods with her unique vampiric lore. Belasco’s action scenes are brisk, and her carefully-researched characters are memorable. Her vampires are so much more than the violence of their history—within their bloody hearts, they retain their humanity.

Ebook Details
  • 07/2024
  • 978-1960942067 B0D192PYMJ
  • 188 pages
  • $2.99
Paperback Details
  • 07/2024
  • 978-1960942067
  • 260 pages
  • $14.99
