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H. Max Hiller
Blowback: A Detective "Cadillac" Holland Mystery (Detective "Cadillac" Holland Mystery Series)

Detective Holland lived a life of unintended consequences while working as an Intelligence operative tracking down terrorists. It is why he resolves the cases he is assigned by NOPD’s Chief of Detectives tend to become more complicated than necessary. He must track down a fugitive murderer named Michael Ferris but Detective Holland won’t bring the man to justice until he knows what the man’s crime actually was. Ferris’ running from the law has exposed his brother and his own fiancé to the wrath of the gang whose members he shot. Detective Holland believes what looked like self-defense may be tied to something far larger but he doesn’t have much time to find the fugitive before even more lives are endangered. There are going to be consequences whether or not Michael Ferris is located, but only Detective Holland can handle the unintended ones.

Yvonne Me and My Books


This is a crime/ mystery story set in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Detective Cooter Holland is charged with finding Michael Ferris , he is on the run. Ferris was involved in a shooting, but the gun was found to be linked elsewhere. Holland is called in as the witnesses to the shootings are being threatened by Ferris. Police resources are stretched and because Holland has essential skills from his time as a Military Intelligence agent, he is the ideal man for the job. He has his own style and way of doing things , it has worked well for him in the past, why not now? As Holland delves further into the investigation, other leads and coincidences crop up, leading to a much larger case than originally thought. Things twist and turn, taking him down different paths.

This is a well told story with some very well described and good characters. The way their stories have been intertwined throughout the book is very good. The author has included details of the time Holland spent in Baghdad with his friend Tony, who also has a part to play in the investigation. The way Hurricane Katrina left her impact on the people and environment in this area is also addressed. Telling how resources have been stretched, also the immediate impact on people's lives and families was an interesting inclusion.

This is a prequel to in a series of books. At the time of writing my review there are 3 more available in this series.

I really enjoyed this book, it was well paced and was a page turner right the way through, with a very satisfying ending. I would definitely recommend this book to readers of crime and mystery. Look forward to more by this author.

