Plot: Bobby Ether and the Jade Academy is a fast-paced adventure with many twists that will keep readers intrigued and hooked. While there are a number of subplots, the author offers a consistent and authentic message about the importance of community and fighting for the greater good of all.
Prose/Style: The prose is pulsing with positive, high levels of energy and moves seamlessly throughout the narrative.
Originality: At the heart of this novel is the perennial battle between good and evil. What sets it apart is a deeper spiritual message about removing oneself from distractions in order to cultivate the tools to be aligned to one’s higher purpose.
Character Development: Overall, the characters are memorably engaging. They tend to fall within the paradigm of either “good” or “bad," with Cassandra being the most complex. Jinx is the most engaging figure of all, and it is beautiful to witness how he blossoms in his friendship with Bobby.
Date Submitted: April 02, 2020
A fast-paced adventure with a unique blend of fantasy and spirituality. Abducted and taken to a secluded monastery in Tibet, Bobby must navigate a cesspool of conspiracy and betrayal to uncover ominous family secrets. The balanced blend of fantasy and action is superb, as is R. Scott Boyer's ability to juxtapose discovery, tension, and struggle.
Author R. Scott Boyer merges science fiction with fantasy to fuel this wonderful story. There’s doubt and belief. There’s redemption and reward. But mostly there’s a thrilling ride: BOBBY ETHER AND THE JADE ACADEMY engages the mind while weaving a suspenseful, terrific story that delivers.
A likable protagonist, engaging banter, and a fast-paced plot will appeal to teens. (Science fiction. 14-18)
Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. It is an easy and engaging read with some plot twists. Bobby does not know who to trust in the beginning, and the question of why the assassin saves his life early in the book remains throughout without being too obvious. I also appreciated the diverse cast and how Bobby deals with his current situation.