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Paperback Book Details
  • 01/2023
  • 9781387255184
  • 318 pages
  • $18.98
Ebook Details
  • 06/2023
  • 335 pages
  • $1.99
Kimberly J. Smith
Body of Origin
Sixteen-year-old Calliope Littleton is hiding something. A few things, actually. While it's public knowledge that she's switcherborne, only her parents know she's immune to the government-mandated drug meant to suppress her switching abilities. No one has a clue that she caused the accident leaving Jamie Mulligan, their school's star cross-country athlete, unable to walk. If anyone found out she's secretly letting him use her body to run again, she'd be in massive trouble. Cal is taking a huge risk, what with the outspoken leader of the anti-switcherborne movement running for president of the United States, and the government organization that monitors switcherborne activities investigating Jamie’s accident. But when Jamie decides to use Cal’s body for more than they agreed to, it ignites a chain of events that could destroy both of their lives. BODY OF ORIGIN is a genre-bending, high-concept novel that explores prejudice and acceptance in a world where some are born with the ability to literally step into another's shoes. Cal’s story is for readers in tune with today's political climate and passionate about the fight for human rights, who love speculative concepts, thrilling fabulism, and a touch of romance.
Plot/Idea: 9 out of 10
Originality: 8 out of 10
Prose: 9 out of 10
Character/Execution: 9 out of 10
Overall: 8.75 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Body of Origin is an often riveting fantasy/sci-fi YA thriller centered on the unique capabilities of 16-year-old girl living in a complex alternate world. There's a steady give-and-take of rising and falling action as well as exposition, which makes the plights of the characters clear and relatable. The worldbuilding is top-notch, introducing novel concepts while also drawing from true-to-life circumstances. 

Prose: The author's writing style effectively captures the internal voice of a teenager who, while mature and facing impossible issues, is still in some ways innocent and naive enough to retain a fresh and youthful perspective.

Originality: Because the story covers so many topics (political influence, the rights one has over their own body, sexuality and consent, etc.), it would be easy to assume that it would wind up a collection of cliches or tired tropes. This story, however, brings them all together in unique ways that speak not only to the author's talent, but to her grasp of the complexities of each individual issue as well as how they intersect.

Character/Execution: Though they are not yet adults, the protagonists show a tremendous amount of depth and maturity while staying relatable to the intended teen audience. Young adults, lovers of fantasy and sci-fi, and bibliophiles who enjoy political and/or social thrillers will find much to love.


Date Submitted: April 15, 2024

This searching YA novel from Smith (author of The Vardo) embraces both the everyday and the speculative, as it imagines a world where some, the switcherbornes, are born with the ability to switch bodies with someone else—but this power rouses prejudice, rejection, and mandated medication. Calliope Littleton is publicly known as a switcherborne, but as far as she knows she’s the only one who is immune to Lazator, the drug that suppresses the power to switch bodies. No one has a clue that, due to her on-the-downlow ability, Calliope is the reason her school’s star cross-country runner and ex-best friend Jamie Mulligan was in a car accident and can no longer walk. Soon, facing intense guilt, Calliope allows Jamie to use her body to run again—taking a huge risk that could ultimately destroy them both.

Body of Origin is an entertaining, thought-provoking read with a touch of romance and a commitment to investigating how the fantasy of switching bodies would work out in real life, especially when thrown into the life of a high school student who forges her own path—school dances, she notes, aren’t her thing. Smith captures the laughter and camaraderie of teen friends, but it’s not all fun and games. The darker elements, though, prove resonant and relatable, from the tragedy that takes away Jamie’s ability to run, a passionate fight for human rights, the “big brother” political aspects, and the prejudice that switcherbornes face. Calliope was born with a great gift—so why does she feel so terrible being who she was meant to be?

Smith proves thoughtful about the wealth of issues (consent, human rights, sexuality) that come with switching, as the story expands beyond Calliope’s friends to encompass events that will shock the world. Through it all, though, this is a novel about being true to yourself, standing up for what you believe in, and understanding that, while everyone is different, we’re all just human.

Takeaway: Smart, speculative slice-of-life about a powered teen staying true to herself.

Comparable Titles: Mary E. Pearson’s The Adoration of Jenna Fox, Joma West’s Twice Lived.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

" A timely and engrossing contribution to YA literature." -- Kirkus Reviews

In Smith’s YA speculative novel, a teenage girl recognizes the strength of her socially proscribed superpowers.When 16-year-old Cal Littleton embarks on a trip to the salon to touch up her pink roots, her life is changed forever. A “switcherborne,” Cal possesses a recessive gene that allows her to transport her consciousness into other people’s bodies. When a bus driver attends to his phone and neglects to see a woman and her baby crossing the street, Cal, hoping to avert tragedy, suddenly switches into the bus driver’s body, swerving to the left and causing an accident that renders her childhood best friend, cross-country running star Jamie Mulligan, paralyzed.  To assuage her guilt, Cal switches with Jamie, granting him the ability to run while controlling her body, knowing the possible consequences to herself and those around her: switcherborne are scorned in society and such activities are forbidden. As Cal spends more time in Jamie’s body, she develops empathy for him and learns the extent of her powers. Best of all, she discovers that she can heal others. This remarkable novel contrasts fantastic elements with strong realistic components in a narrative that will feel engaging, authentic, and genuine to YA readers. Exercising restraint when it comes to the fantasy elements, this work reads like a well rendered, realistic novel (“I’d known it was a bad sign when Mr. Mulligan built that ramp. You don’t build a ramp if the doctors think your kid is going to walk again in a couple of weeks”). Expertly constructing a world with a political climate not unlike today’s, Smith explores what happens to people when hatred prevails. In addition, the author crafts well-rounded and diverse characters, allowing many readers the opportunity to see themselves reflected somewhere in the cast. While there are sequences hampered by excessive details about switching, and perhaps too many healing scenarios, the novel also compellingly depicts realistic teenage characters navigating real-world problems. -- "Kirkus Reviews"

A Mesmerizing Tour de Force

"Body of Origin" by Kimberly J. Smith is a mesmerizing tour de force that transcends genres and captivates readers with its thought-provoking narrative, intricate world-building, and deeply relatable characters. This novel seamlessly blends elements of speculative fiction, social commentary, and romance into a compelling and unforgettable story.At its core, "Body of Origin" delves into the complex life of sixteen-year-old Calliope Littleton, a switcherborne with a secret that could shatter her world. Smith masterfully weaves a tale of hidden identities and moral dilemmas, making readers question the boundaries of right and wrong, and the price one is willing to pay for acceptance and love.The concept of switcherborne, individuals who possess the extraordinary ability to step into another person's body, is both intriguing and thought-provoking. Smith crafts a society where prejudice against switcherborne individuals mirrors real-world discrimination, effectively using this fantastical element to shed light on contemporary issues of human rights and social justice. In a world where the outspoken leader of the anti-switcherborne movement is running for president, the tension and stakes are palpable, mirroring today's political climate and adding a layer of urgency to the narrative.Calliope's character is a standout achievement, a young woman torn between her innate desire to help others and the fear of the consequences of her actions. Her emotional journey is compelling, as she grapples with guilt, love, and the weight of her secret. Readers will find themselves deeply invested in her story, rooting for her as she navigates the treacherous waters of deception and self-discovery.Jamie Mulligan, the star cross-country athlete whose life is forever altered by Calliope's actions, is equally well-drawn. His character adds depth to the narrative, as he confronts the challenges of his newfound disability and grapples with the complex relationship he shares with Calliope. Their interactions are filled with tension, tenderness, and an undeniable chemistry that adds a touch of romance to the story.Kimberly J. Smith's prose is nothing short of brilliant, effortlessly transporting readers into a world where the extraordinary coexists with the everyday. The pacing is impeccable, with each chapter propelling the story forward, building tension and suspense while allowing readers to connect with the characters on a profound level."Body of Origin" is a powerful testament to the enduring human spirit, the fight for equality, and the sacrifices one makes for love and acceptance. It invites readers to question societal norms, challenge prejudice, and consider the consequences of their own choices. This genre-bending masterpiece is a must-read for anyone who craves a thought-provoking, emotionally resonant, and utterly enthralling story. Kimberly J. Smith has delivered a work of art that will leave a lasting impact on readers, making "Body of Origin" a true gem in contemporary literature.

Thought-provoking novel ... will keep readers turning the pages.

Sixteen year old Cal is content to live her life in the shadows, playing her violin in the school orchestra and keeping up with her daily mandated dosing of Lazator. Staying out of the limelight is especially important as Cal seems to be immune to the government medication, permitting her to use her innate switcherbone skills to trade places with another person nearly anytime. But when she finds herself in the seat of a bus driver to prevent him from careening into a mother and her baby, she accidentally causes the paralysis of a childhood friend and her secret existence is put in jeopardy. Overwhelmed by guilt, Cal journeys to Jamie's house to help raise his spirits; however, when her feelings lead her to provide Jamie with a dangerous offer, their lives become connected in a terrifying new way. This young adult novel is anchored in magic realism, introducing the concept of switcherbone humans to the canon of human history. Unnerving similarities to modern political struggles are embedded in the plot, reinforcing the intense dichotomy between the "norms" and their more unique counterparts. Detailed descriptions and frequent dialogue work well together to immerse readers in the story, and since Cal is narrating in the first person, her plethora of feelings are palpable, as well. Though the initial world building takes some time, high quality writing and intentional clues within the narrative enhance the stakes within the novel and keep readers turning the pages. Though the premise of this novel is based in fiction, the ideas it generates are very relevant to real life. Moral dilemmas are frequently presented throughout the novel, prompting readers to reflect on Cal's decisions and what they might have done if they were in her place. The answers are rarely overt, and there is always some kind of negative repercussion no matter which way Cal leans. Alongside the guilt and remorse Cal feels are budding love stories that give her a reason to experience joy and independence, as well. And as Cal grapples with her many emotions, she must determine which path is best to walk to achieve the future she desires for herself and others like her. This is a thought-provoking and well-designed novel that will appeal to young adult readers and up.-- Mary Lanni, Librarian and Book Reviewer

Paperback Book Details
  • 01/2023
  • 9781387255184
  • 318 pages
  • $18.98
Ebook Details
  • 06/2023
  • 335 pages
  • $1.99
