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David Templeton
A 30-something, married man, living in a mythic, contemporary city called Solé has come to terms with a horrifying reality. The presence of a malevolent serpent living in his torso is real and growing. Unless it is removed, he will plunge into an enormous, pitch-black void called ‘The Abyss’ and lose his soul. He is becoming psychologically extinct. There is only one remedy: An ancient sacrament that will cure the loneliness and isolation which is giving the serpent its power. But his redemption eludes him. Only friendship with a fellow sojourner shields him. This terrifying dilemma drives him to choose a path of discovery he believes will ultimately drive out the animal and heal his empty, inner world. He gets more than he bargained for. This path of survival unexpectedly leads to his inner battle manifesting outwardly into the world in which he lives. He realizes his internal conflict of truth and deception is a microcosm of unfolding events in his beloved city, Solé, where evil has invaded, intending to kill, steal and destroy. Along the way he begins to discover the nature of evil and whether redemption, truth, and love are real or imaginary. Questions about the ultimate meaning of life elude him, until one day he acquiesces to a power greater than himself and discovers the answer. The surprise for the reader is the unfolding drama, and the answer he finds in Solé is also a part of their world.
