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Paperback Details
  • 07/2020
  • 978-0-956603-8-4
  • 300 pages
  • $19.99
Ebook Details
  • 07/2020
  • 978-0-956603-8-4
  • 300 pages
  • $8.90
Simon Morrell
Bringing the award winning true stories 'From Bullied to Black Belt' its sequel 'An Everyday Warrior' and the all new 'My Fear, Your Fear,' British Warrior tells of the incredible struggles and important victories one man faced. Battered and bullied as a child and violently assaulted as a grown man, the author fell to agoraphobia, panic attacks and alcohol abuse. He was though, able to overcome with the love of his life Julie, who urged him to stand up for himself which he did through Martial Arts. However peace did not come easy as int he sequel he had the answer for the sins of his father , a corrupt and abusive man who put Simon in the firing line of hard core gangsters and IRA. They threatened to murder Simon unless he could furnish his dad's debts. He did but at a price. Wasting away in a hospital bed after massive withdrawal from alcohol abuse he had a choice; die or get up and fight back. He is still here to tell the tale and fight back he does. The final book in the volume 'My Fear, Your Fear' tells of the people he has met on his way, ordinary people with their own fears but massive, funny stories of their own to tell,
Paperback Details
  • 07/2020
  • 978-0-956603-8-4
  • 300 pages
  • $19.99
Ebook Details
  • 07/2020
  • 978-0-956603-8-4
  • 300 pages
  • $8.90
