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Ebook Details
  • 08/2024
  • 978-1-953954-24-4 B0D54DMN1B
  • 402 pages
  • $6.99
Paperback Details
  • 08/2024
  • 978-1-953954-07-7
  • 402 pages
  • $19.91
Cody Sisco
Broken Mirror: Resonant Earth Volume 1
Cody Sisco, author

A fractured mind or a global conspiracy? Uncovering the truth can be hell when nobody believes you… and you can’t even trust yourself.

“A fantastic SF thriller with a sincere and important message.”—Kirkus Reviews

Broken Mirror is the first volume in a queer psychological science fiction saga that looks at the stigma of mental illness and the hellish distrust and alienation that goes with it.

Victor Eastmore knows someone killed his grandfather, the pioneering scientist Jefferson Eastmore. But Victor, diagnosed with mirror resonance syndrome, has been shunned by Semiautonomous California society. Nobody will believe a Broken Mirror. Now Victor must tread the line between sanity and reclassification—a fate that all but guarantees he’ll lose his freedom.

With its self-driving cars, global firearms ban, and a cure for cancer, the science fiction world of Broken Mirror may sound like a near-future utopia, but on Resonant Earth, history has taken a few wrong turns. The American Union is a weak and fractious alliance of nations in decline. Europe manipulates its citizens through propaganda. And Asia is reeling from decades of war.

Determined to uncover the truth about Jefferson’s murder, pansexual Victor and his trans friend Elena set out on a road trip that takes them across the American Union from Semiautonomous California through the Organized Western States to the Republic of Texas. But Elena is holding something back, and Victor’s condition worsens.

Amid shifting geopolitical sands, Broken Mirrors like Victor find themselves at a cyberpunk crossroads: evolve or go extinct.

Kirkus Reviews

“A fantastic SF thriller with a sincere and important message.”—Kirkus Reviews 

In Sisco’s speculative novel, a young man who wants to find his grandfather’s killer is deemed a threat due to his mental illness... Victor is a relatable hero with eclectic friends in Ozie and Elena (as well as an herbalist, Pearl, who aids him in dealing with the symptoms of his condition). The world and the characters work together to effectively form a cohesive story about how easy it is for society to classify a group of people as dangerous outsiders. A fantastic SF thriller with a sincere and important message.

Ebook Details
  • 08/2024
  • 978-1-953954-24-4 B0D54DMN1B
  • 402 pages
  • $6.99
Paperback Details
  • 08/2024
  • 978-1-953954-07-7
  • 402 pages
  • $19.91
