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Print/e-book Details
  • 04/2017
  • 9780984775545
  • 317 pages
  • $17.00
Thomas Burchfield
Paul Bacon, ex-Navy boxer, Jazz-Age playboy and junior city attorney, has moved to California expecting sunshine and sandy beaches, only to find loneliness and misery in the fog-choked canyons of 1920s San Francisco. Then, one foggy night, he meets Molly Carver. Alluring, irresistible, mysterious, she lures Paul across San Francisco Bay to her hometown of Evansville, to what she claims is the California promised in the travel brochures. But Molly’s promise is only camouflage for a dangerous game. Evansville is no paradise but a whirling sewer of sin and perdition; a wilderness of slaughterhouses, factories, oil refineries, gambling dens, brothels, and speakeasies even more decadent than San Francisco. And within its grimy, gritty heart, a gang war smolders, ready for someone to throw a match. As Paul learns to his horror, they don’t call it Butchertown for nothing. And if he wants to get out alive, he'd better find a way to make peace.
Plot/Idea: 7 out of 10
Originality: 8 out of 10
Prose: 8 out of 10
Character/Execution: 7 out of 10
Overall: 7.50 out of 10


Plot: The plot of this non-stop thriller races along, adhering fiercely to Paul Bacon's story. Unexpectedly, religion and the search for true happiness play major yet somber roles in the novel.

Prose: Quick, sharp, and well paced, Burchfield’s storytelling and realistic dialogue maintain readers’ interest in Bacon’s exploits — even when the scenes Bacon encounters seem beyond belief.

Originality: Throughout the book, Burchfield places Bacon in a series of circumstances that, while sometimes straining credulity, are packed with intensity and drama.

Character Development: By the end of this book, Bacon is a fully drawn character, and the author reveals enough about the other characters for readers to develop mixed feelings about them. Only Molly Carver seems to lack definition, perhaps because of the mysterious role she plays early on. Additionally, some of the book's “bad guys” become caricatures of themselves, their barbaric appetite for revenge and murder making them seem too similar to each other.

Blurb: A sexy, violent non-stop thrill ride deep into the seedy underbelly of post-World War I San Francisco.

Date Submitted: March 29, 2017

Print/e-book Details
  • 04/2017
  • 9780984775545
  • 317 pages
  • $17.00
