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karen green
Buyer-ology - know your buyer, sell more and sell better
karen green, author
How does the corporate customer really want to be sold to? The answer may surprise you. Because corporate buyers are humans, driven by emotion not logic. Just like you, when you are buying a cup of coffee, it depends on how they are feeling on the day, their personality, what is on offer and many other factors. This book enables you to systematically work out exactly what your buyer wants and needs and then how to use this to create a tailored selling approach to sell more and sell better. * Know how to profile your buyer, using the unique Buyer-ology matrix * Gain the buyer’s attention BEFORE you start selling * Create the tailored unique value proposition that converts * Get the best deal for your business by becoming a negotiation ninja * Deliver on time and in full which has the buyer ordering more and recommending you to others! Packed with case studies, actionable steps and downloadable templates, this is a practical book for anyone selling B2B who wants to sell more and sell better.
