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Floyd Sullivan
Author, Editor (anthology)
Called Out: a novel of base ball and America in 1908
As 1907 becomes 1908, National Baseball League President Harry Pulliam suspects that the owner of the New York Giants has hired detectives to spy on him and his lover, Ted Russell, with the goal of blackmailing them or having them arrested for sodomy. The pressure tests the strength of Pulliam’s relationship with Ted, and his ability to administer his league duties. His stenographer, Lenore Caylor, falls in love with him and becomes his staunchest champion as he fights to preserve the honor of the game and the league. With the support of Caylor, Pulliam holds off the machinations of those who would cause his downfall. However, close to the end of the season, one of the most exciting and bizarre in history, a controversial play in a key game results in violent protests, riots, death, and the final resolution of Pulliam's relationship with Ted.
