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Paperback Details
  • 07/2021
  • 978-1649613592
  • 292 pages
  • $12.99
Hardcover Details
  • 07/2021
  • 978-1649616180
  • 292 pages
  • $22.99
Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • 07/2021
  • B09B8454KV
  • 263 pages
  • $5.99
Aaron Walker Sr.
Cargo 3120: Ties that Bind

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

In the year 3120, Marcus leaves the brutal life of a mercenary...a life he barely survived. He returns home to keep his family's interstellar shipping business afloat, while also helping to care for his dying niece. In desperate need of money, Marcus embarks on what was supposed to be a simple deep space cargo run. But his world is turned upside down when he learns the truth about the job. Where did the mysterious cargo come from? And more importantly... who wants it back? Now, Marcus finds himself at the center of a galactic conflict, fueled by politics, organized crime, and a mysterious and powerful alien race, to which someone close to him has an ominous connection.
Plot/Idea: 7 out of 10
Originality: 6 out of 10
Prose: 8 out of 10
Character/Execution: 7 out of 10
Overall: 7.00 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Cargo 3120's plot is dynamic, frenetic, and fast-paced, brazenly dropping readers into a seedy world of organized crime. The Raven Squad's mission to steal Krillium ore, as well as Marcus's imprisonment at Runner's End and Work Camp Noctis, are standout focal points of a well-structured crime caper.

Prose: This dramatic thriller is laced with intrigue and explosive set pieces. The exhilarating deadly missions carried out by the Raven Squad are executed in razor-sharp detail. 

Originality: Walker's style is a welcome addition to the thriller genre. Though not startlingly original, Cargo 3120 is highly enjoyable and never lets up.

Character/Execution: Walker successfully manages to sculpt a convincing ragtag heist crew, particularly Marcus, whose penchant for doling out pain is a notable trait.

Blurb:  A high octane heist thriller that will leave readers desperate for more.

Date Submitted: August 24, 2023

Readers' Favorite

"Cargo 3120: Ties that Bind by Aaron Walker Sr. is an action-packed, science-fiction military drama. The main character is Marcus, a mercenary who flies around the galaxy with his highly trained team of soldiers, undertaking dangerous missions for anyone willing to pay. When a mission goes wrong, Marcus ends up taking the fall so that his crew can go free. By the time Marcus is freed from prison, he’s decided to give up his dangerous lifestyle and return home to live with his sister and niece. His new, peaceful life doesn’t last long. When his former mercenary team finds themselves in trouble, Marcus is compelled to help them by transporting mysterious cargo on his spaceship. The mission seems easy enough until he finds out that two competing empires want the cargo and will kill anyone who stands in the way of their acquiring it.

Cargo 3120 is an enjoyable book to read because Aaron Walker Sr. has given us the two necessary ingredients for a great book - strong characters and a strong plot. Both of those elements thrive in this book. The cast of characters is unique and fully fleshed out. Marcus and his team of warriors are especially amusing yet loveable characters who are easy to root for. The plot moves at a fast and furious pace, providing lots of exciting turns along the way. The story also excels in all of the science fiction military scenes. Much of it plays out like a wonderful combination of The Band of Brothers and Star Wars. I highly recommend this book to readers of character-driven, high-octane science fiction." 

Scott Cahan for Readers' Favorite

Paperback Details
  • 07/2021
  • 978-1649613592
  • 292 pages
  • $12.99
Hardcover Details
  • 07/2021
  • 978-1649616180
  • 292 pages
  • $22.99
Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • 07/2021
  • B09B8454KV
  • 263 pages
  • $5.99
