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Brendan OMeara
Carved From Wood
James and his team are AWOL and have set their sights on the Southern Federation. They set up camp in a small town at the tip of the Souther continent miles away from where the BlankZone has established its own base. James and the team capture a leader of the BlankZone and, when returning him, James is taken captive along with another member of the team. He is tortured for information, and eventually escapes during an attack on the BlankZone base. While they were incarcerated the town was taken over by a local leader and their friends from the town were slaughtered. James and team decide to take whoever wants to join them on a trip back North where they will continue their fight against the BlankZone as the Federation officially falls.
Goodreads reviewer

The Review

This was such a gripping and powerful read. The author immediately transports readers into the action, showcasing the protagonist and his allies after going AWOL and heading out alone. The tension and world-building the author does and expands upon in this novel are remarkable to see come to life on the page, as they help elevate the character arcs and the action considerably.

However, it was the balance the author struck between the intense action and the themes explored throughout this novel. The author manages to touch upon the horrors of war uniquely, showcasing how those in power wage the war, and innocent people are often caught in the middle of that war, with rarely anyone to protect them when it shows up at their door. The way the author explores this new territory, the BlankZone, and its similarities and differences with the Federation brought a sense of familiarity and relatability to the narrative.

The Verdict

Action-packed, heartfelt, and entertaining author Brendan O’Meara’s “Carved from Wood” is a must-read sci-fi novel. The shocking twists and turns in the story and the vast amount of world-building leave readers eager to dive further into the author's world.

