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Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2020
  • 9781735335223 B08J8C3M8Y
  • 126 pages
  • $6.99
Cheryl Bannerman
Cats, Cannolis and a Curious Kidnapping: A Cozy Mystery Series for All Ages
In the heart of picturesque New Jersey, Anna Romano's world is a tantalizing blend of literary genius, feline adoration, and culinary artistry. As a celebrated author of gripping murder mysteries, her pen weaves tales of intrigue that captivate readers worldwide. Yet, behind her success, Anna finds solace in the gentle purrs of her beloved cats and the exquisite aromas wafting from her Italian kitchen. Life is a cozy, well-ordered symphony for Anna-until the sinister crescendo of a stalker's obsession shatters her tranquil existence. Suddenly, her idyllic world plunges into a chilling thriller where danger lurks around every corner. With her life hanging in the balance, Anna embarks on a treacherous journey of survival, all while battling the enigmatic allure of the detective assigned to protect her. In this amateur sleuth cozy mystery, passion and peril entwine, creating a tale as riveting as the mysteries she pens. Step into Anna Romano's world today, where the siren call of suspense and the warmth of feline companionship beckon. Join her on this spellbinding odyssey of courage, intrigue, and the forbidden dance of love in the face of danger. Dive into the pages and let your imagination run wild, for in the cozy corners of Anna's life, secrets are buried, and mysteries unfold. Available now, in both print and Audible audiobook formats, this is a story cat mamas and cozy mystery aficionados won't want to miss!
Kent Lane for IndieReader

The first book in the "Anna Romano Mystery Series" finds the cat-loving crime writer caught up in a kidnapping.
Anna Romano is a successful crime writer who lives in Central Jersey. She's 37, lives with seven cats and fears she's going to end up a lonely old maid. When she's not cleaning out kitty litter she's watching the travel channels or trying out new recipes. And Romano has an obsession with Italian food. At a book-signing, a strange red-haired man asks for her autograph. And then she sees him again. And again. Is he stalking her? Eventually the stranger kidnaps Romano and she discovers she has become part of his fiendish plan to escape chronic gambling debts by faking the death of his family. But as the police investigate her disappearance there are secrets revealed about the kidnapper's past and a connection to one of Romano's earlier books.
CATS, CANNOLIS AND A CURIOUS KIDNAPPING is a fun, light-hearted mystery with a lot of laughs amongst the action. Author Cheryl Denise Bannerman's characterization of her lead, and of the supporting characters, is solid. She accentuates their eccentricities for comic effect but not to the point of parody. That said, most of the story is played for humor and there is not a great deal of nuance in the thoughts or actions of the characters. The plot is slight but entertaining and there's a twist in the ending which, while not exactly a surprise, does bring the story to a satisfying close.
Although at one point Romano imagines she's living out an episode of "Law & Order", the television series the book most evokes is "Murder She Wrote" and the plot is the kind of straightforward, only moderately complicated, mystery that Jessica Fletcher would have wrapped up within the hour. And, like an episode of a cozy TV crime series, with its short page count CATS, CANNOLIS AND A CURIOUS KIDNAPPING is the kind of fast-paced page turner that most readers will devour in a sitting.
The first outing for mystery writer and cat lover Anna Romano is an enjoyable and entertainingly comic adventure. Bannerman's character is instantly engaging and, though it's very short, the novel is a fun ride from start to finish.
CATS, CANNOLIS AND A CURIOUS KIDNAPPING, the first outing for the instantly engaging mystery writer and cat lover Anna Romano, is an enjoyable and entertainingly comic adventure. And though the book is short, Cheryl Denise Bannerman's novel is a fun ride from start to finish.

Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2020
  • 9781735335223 B08J8C3M8Y
  • 126 pages
  • $6.99
