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Paperback Details
  • 12/2023
  • 9798871859988 B0CQLN678C
  • 251 pages
  • $14.99
Ebook Details
  • 12/2023
  • 9798871859988 B0CQHQ1NHQ
  • 251 pages
  • $7.99
Michael Rowen
Cellular Mind: Your Cells Create Your Mind (Not Your Brain)
M. Rowen, author

Adult; Science, Nature, Technology; (Publish)

Centuries of scientific research has failed to find evidence that the human mind is generated by brain processes. No scientific theory has ever been developed that explains, even in principle, how brain processes can generate the vibrant conscious experiences that we all take for granted, a mystery known as the "hard problem of consciousness". This book will review astonishing evidence from experiments in cutting edge biology and neuroscience that suggest that your mind is not generated by your brain processes, but instead by cells throughout your body. Each of the 37 trillion cells in your body is an intelligent living organism that has a rudimentary mind that experiences its world inside your body, and these cellular minds collectively combine to form your incredibly complex human mind. It has been a known scientific fact for over 350 years that cells are the building blocks of life, and now the scientific evidence is suggesting that cells are also the building blocks of mind. You are your cells and your cells are you, literally and at the deepest levels of your mind and body. The view that cells are the building blocks of mind was first proposed by biologist Lynn Margulis in 1967 when she suggested that three independent microorganisms that had rudimentary minds began to live together symbiotically inside a common cellular membrane, evolving into the more complex eukaryotic cell with a more complex cellular mind. Eukaryotic cells are the building blocks of every known form of complex multicellular life on earth, from plants to insects to humans. While modern science has fully accepted Margulis' theory on the evolution of eukaryotic cells from the symbiotic merger of primitive bacteria and archaea cell bodies, the scientific community continues to reject her suggestion that bacteria and archaea cells have minds that also merged to create a more complex mind in eukaryotic cells. Viewing cells as the building blocks of both life and mind explains a wide range of biological, neuroscientific, and evolutionary anomalies and evidence that mainstream scientific theories struggle to explain. It explains normal everyday phenomena that has defied scientific explanation for centuries such as how we experience pain and how the body heals itself. It explains mysterious phenomena such as the placebo effect, people living normal lives despite being born without most of their brain, unusual mental skills between conjoined twins, and even near-death experiences. It also provides straightforward explanations of neuroscientific enigmas such as Libet and split-brain experiments. It also provides natural solutions to longstanding problems in philosophy of mind such as the combination problem, the binding problem, and the unity of conscious experience. If you are open to alternative theories of mind that better fit with the evidence gathered by modern science, then this book will open your eyes to a new way to view your mind. Your cells create your mind, not your brain.
Rowen makes a long-form case for his contention that it’s cells rather than processes of the brain that both create and contain consciousness. Rowen refutes the orthodoxy that individual cells are the non-sentient simple building blocks of life, arguing for CM Theory, which “posits that all cells have rudimentary minds” that, prioritizing their own survival, connect, electromagnetically, into collectives or “multicellular organism minds.” CM Theory, he writes, is “more grounded in evidence and scientific logic than the current paradigm,” and Rowen sees in it paths toward understanding mysteries of consciousness, from the experience of pain and the success of placebos to near death experiences.

Rowen makes an eloquent, well-structured argument for CM Theory, plunging into gaps of our understanding of cognition and laying out research demonstrating the “extraordinary capabilities of cells.” In each section, Rowen carefully defines an assertion (“Assertion: Cells in electromagnetically connected collectives prioritize collective survival over survival of individual cells”), showing evidence that supports or contradicts the issue at hand in prose that readers up-to-date on entry-level biology will follow without trouble. The evidence Rowen mounts stirs awe and fascination, such as single-celled organisms demonstrating “genetic engineering skills and survival agency,” or the worms that were taught to recoil from a strobing light and then, after being cut and allowed to regrow, still knew in their newly constructed brains to recoil at the same stimulus.

As Cellular Mind examines questions concerning “the biophysical discontinuity” between living and non-living matter, or what might be the driving force behind evolution, skeptics will appreciate that Rowen argues fairly and with welcome clarity, laying out step-by-step reasoning with clear citations, always taking pains to acknowledge the limitations of the theory and what aspects he believes will need refinement in future. The result is a treatise that excites at the possibilities, geared to readers certain that there is more to the world than humanity yet realizes.

Takeaway: Fascinating theory of cellular cognition, digging deep into the capacities of cells.

Comparable Titles: Thomas R. Verny’s The Embodied Mind, Jon Lieff’s The Secret Language of Cells.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: B+
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A-

Paperback Details
  • 12/2023
  • 9798871859988 B0CQLN678C
  • 251 pages
  • $14.99
Ebook Details
  • 12/2023
  • 9798871859988 B0CQHQ1NHQ
  • 251 pages
  • $7.99
