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Ron Weitzman
Chairman Biden and Dr. Fauci's Monster
Ron Weitzman, author

This book describes how a charter member of Hillary Clinton’s basket of deplorables views important issues that divide our country. Chapter 1 takes a critical look at the past, present, and future of the political left and right sides of that divide. Chapter 2 shows that abortion is properly a matter of religion rather than government. Chapter 3 pins the blame for the pandemic’s cause and consequences solely on Dr. Anthony Fauci. Chapter 4 separates sex and gender into two different worlds. Chapter 5 examines how the flawed statistical modeling of global warming fails to disclose its causes or trajectory. Chapter 6 demonstrates the unconstitutionality and criminality of the 2020 presidential election.Chapter 7 reveals why this book ominously identifies the title of Joe Biden as chairman rather than president.

US Review of Books

Society is always changing, pulled one way or the other by the powers in charge at any particular moment. However, since the 2020 pandemic, things have been changing at a pace that has surprised many people. In this series of essays, the author looks at modern issues from climate change and gender identity to the 2020 election, the pandemic, and the Biden administration to examine the forces deciding on what happens regarding these hot-button issues and how they affect the entirety of the American populace. Citing psychological research and employing a background in statistics, Weitzman attempts to separate fact from fiction and determine what really needs changing and what simply fits a convenient political narrative ahead of a pivotal and crucial general election.

Despite its provocative title, what makes this such a fascinating read is a lack of scare tactics designed to shock the reader into agreement through the use of hypotheticals and worst-case scenarios. In this book, the author provides his background academically, vocationally, and even politically. Concerns and issues are presented with data and facts to back them up. Topics are introduced not to curry favor but to raise questions and promote critical thinking. Regardless of one’s opinion on the issues covered, the chapters in this book are designed to spur thought and discussion and are very capable of doing so on their own merits. Those who are looking for a thought-provoking read and are willing to consider the viewpoints within will find in this book a well-reasoned, measured approach to tackling issues of major concern.

