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Ebook Details
  • 08/2016
  • 1974062155 1974062155
  • 296 pages
  • $2.99
Paperback Details
  • 08/2017
  • 978-1974062157 B01KCSKTSC
  • 296 pages
  • $12.99
R.C. Albertini
Chariot 3: Conception

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

Once 4 individuals are suddenly summoned to join Chariot 3 – a recently born spaceship – on a last minute mission to investigate the strange appearance of a mysterious black hole, they discover that there is much more behind their assignment than what they were told by the Nibirian Space Agency. Spared from the truth and surrounded by a past of unsolved conspiracies, as they progress, Captain Shon Shoffer, V-Nus, and the rest of his crew are forced to choose between completing their mission or returning home. On an unstoppable quest to grant a future to a race other than their own, the Nibirian crew fights against the Greys in an explosive pursuit through space and time.
Sandra Han at

Although this is a very long story, there is not one sentence that bored me while I was reading it and every single Chapter is there for a very good reason. The descriptions in the story are great, and so is the characterization – all which shows that you are a great, talented author. There are many amusing, emotional, intense, and adventurous scenes that have stayed etched into my mind after reading this. Something that amazed me (when it comes to your imagination and shows that you’ve spent a lot of time working on this novel) is the scene when Ezekiel joins them all and how everything seems to change for him after they install a “Brain Computer Interface” into his body. The scene when Inanna finds out the true mission of the crew and becomes aware of the fact that they won’t be coming back is very emotional and made me feel for her. However, seconds later, she is able to put a smile on her face and greet V-nus, who has returned together with the rest of the crew. Their reunion was very amusing. I loved this story.

Ebook Details
  • 08/2016
  • 1974062155 1974062155
  • 296 pages
  • $2.99
Paperback Details
  • 08/2017
  • 978-1974062157 B01KCSKTSC
  • 296 pages
  • $12.99
