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Melanie Hooyenga
Chasing the Stars
Chasing the Stars is filled with stolen kisses, tipping canoes, and stars so bright you can see into the next galaxy. It's a sweet coming of age contemporary romance that features two teens trying to get a handle on their lives. With their crazy families and unknown futures to consider, a relationship sounds like too much to juggle for both Hunter and Naomi. But surrounded by the beauty of nature makes it hard to focus on the bad, especially when Naomi’s thing is to find the good.
Plot/Idea: 8 out of 10
Originality: 7 out of 10
Prose: 9 out of 10
Character/Execution: 8 out of 10
Overall: 8.00 out of 10


Plot/Idea: The story of Naomi and Hunter begins with a simple question that will quickly emotionally engage readers. The idea of the popular "Three Good Things" podcast is relatable to a contemporary audience; the conversations are believable, and the challenges are realistic.

Prose: This charming coming-of-age tale is beautifully written with alluring prose and style. 

Originality: Hooyenga crafts a touching and relatable romance between two equally rich and nuanced characters.

Character Development/Execution: The characters are three-dimensional, realistic, and very focused individuals doing their best to deal with their lives. Readers are likely to identify with the characters’ concerns, doubts, and struggles. 

Date Submitted: May 29, 2022

