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Hardcover Details
  • 11/2022
  • 978-0-6452398-2-9
  • 36 pages
  • $20.99
Ebook Details
  • 11/2022
  • 978-0-6452398-3-6
  • 36 pages
  • $4.99
Diana Tran
Chemical Engineers Where Do We Work
Diana Tran, author
Chemical engineering is one of the most sublime engineering disciplines. It is an extremely important and influential profession on the development of civilization. From the creation of ancient pottery (100 centuries ago) to plaster (40 centuries ago), then paper (20 centuries ago), and Portland cement that is hugely used to make concrete (2 centuries ago). Even though chemical engineering is a significant field essential for the development and optimisation of most products in the world, not many people know what it is, let alone the work of a chemical engineer, which is more than just designing processes to change raw materials into valuable products. This book aims to provide a snapshot of the diverse works that a chemical engineer does. We solve problems to improve our everyday quality of life.
This cheery survey of the working world of chemical engineers introduces young readers to a diverse array of professionals and their careers, from glass processing for the beverage industry to working to secure access to safe drinking water in rural communities. On each page, a chemical engineer looks out at the reader and offers a warm introduction and a quick rundown of their work—and, often, why that work matters. “My name is Quinn,” declares one character, face lit by pride. “I work at a chocolate manufacturing facility ensuring you receive great texture and taste in every chocolate bite.”

Not every job here will be as exciting to kids as that, of course, but author Tran (Chemical Engineering Made Simple) presents an eye-opening range of professional options for potential chemical engineers-to-be, including greenhouse work, formulating beauty products, and defense industry work too sensitive to be drawn in anything but silhouette. That playful page captures the book’s spirit of excitement about the field, as the 26 different names of the engineers—Tran has arranged the book alphabetically, by first name—makes the point that these career paths are open to learners of all backgrounds.

Some of the introductions can be vague (“I work in an engineering consulting company providing cost-effective solutions to projects for clients”) for new readers or for students considering entering the field. The polished, arresting digital art, created by the Australian collective The Illustrators adds welcome detail, however, showcasing workplaces and work attire that offer a clear sense of what different positions entail. Especially engaging are the engineers’ inviting faces, which capture full characters in a few thin lines, their expressions suggesting the satisfaction of doing work that matters. This is an engaging introduction to the field, suited not just to children but to students seeking career guidance.

Takeaway: This cheery introduction to the career options for chemical engineers will encourage young scientists.

Great for fans of: Kim Donnelly’s Bonding With Friends series, Robert Winston’s Ask a Scientist./p>

Production grades
Cover: B+
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: B

Hardcover Details
  • 11/2022
  • 978-0-6452398-2-9
  • 36 pages
  • $20.99
Ebook Details
  • 11/2022
  • 978-0-6452398-3-6
  • 36 pages
  • $4.99
