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Susan Weisberg
Chester Midshipmouse Time and Tide
Midshipmouse First Class Chester and his band of rodents are tail-pumped to graduate from the Naval Mouse Academy. It is simply a matter of finishing strong in their final year of training, staying on top of the game, and achieving their goals at service and ship selection. Piece of cheese. But when the academic year begins, trouble crop up like mousetraps and their leadership skills are put to the test. Then an unforeseen obstacle threatens Chester's dreams for the future and the stakes are raised. Who earns the right to weigh anchor on the salty sea and who will dive to the depths? Who will pursue their wings of gold, and whose fur is shaved bald between the ears? Time and Tide will tell.
Plot/Idea: 8 out of 10
Originality: 8 out of 10
Prose: 8 out of 10
Character/Execution: 9 out of 10
Overall: 8.25 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Chester Midshipmouse Time and Tide is the third title in an endearing children's book series that centers on a wondrous and delightfully layered world of mice living amongst humans at a naval academy.

Prose: Weisberg's writing is gentle, vivid, and alluring. Readers will become immediately immersed in Chester's journey to graduate from the Naval Mouse Academy and sail the seas as an officer.

Originality: Chester Midshipmouse Time and Tide follows in the storied tradition of classics like Redwall, but the novel's setting and worldbuilding are fresh and fun.

Character/Execution: Chester is a sweet, courageous young hero readers will root for. Weisberg establishes a convincing hybrid world of sentient mice and the humans who carry on unaware of the rodent attendees of the Naval Mouse Academy existing above them.

Date Submitted: August 29, 2023

Midwest Book Review

"Chester Midshipmouse Time and Tide sails the mouse kingdom with the final book in a trilogy about a nautical mouse's searfaring adventures...Susan Weisberg has a winning, likable character in Chester the mouse. She weaves realistic Naval Academy experiences into the fictional story, providing young readers with an especially vivid journey through naval studies which are usually not afforded young readers...Humor is also replete in educational examples kids will find hilarious and familiar...The result is a fantasy, an adventure, a coming-of-age tale, and a thought provoking venture into the halls of naval training through the eye of a mouse who wisely observes that the challenges will continue far beyond classroom walls...Libraries and readers who look for a vivid tale of struggle and change a la 'Watership Down' will find the Naval Academy milieu and pusuits of man and mouse to be inviting, action-packed, and fun as Chester develops unusual friendships and hones his abilities." D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review

Readers' Favorite

"Chester Midshipmouse Time and Tide by Susan Weisberg incorporates harsh and challenging life lessons in an entertaining and inspirational manner."  Five Star Review. 

