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Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2021
  • 9781955809085
  • 494 pages
  • $37.53
Children of the Stars
There's a timeless legacy about Man's Divinity echoing from the ruins of Ancient temples and monuments around the globe. The Great Pyramids of Africa (Egypt and Nubia) speak of this legacy as an Arabic Proverb utters, "Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids." Who build these monuments of Eternity that express a Supreme Intelligence of Man that outshines our present day Genius? Who is the Father of Ancient civilization? Written in stone are divine scripts (Medu Netcher commonly called Hieroglyphics) detailing an ancient legacy of Supreme Beings (Human Beings of High Intelligence and Consciousness) who preserved a sacred science and divine teaching that enlightens Man to live in harmony with all of humanity and nature. This timeless wisdom reveals a history of Man/Woman that trails back to the creation of stars. Scribed on the walls of ancient tombs are memories of a spiritual technology and higher consciousness that was responsible for Man understanding the mysteries of the universe and erecting high level civilization. The light of this Divine Truth illuminates the pages of Ancient and Modern books, yet the Religious, Scientific, and Academic world consider this knowledge forbidden and won't reveal it. Reading religious scriptures we observe how Man is made in the image of God, but in today's world we are wrongfully taught that Man evolved from an Ape and that God created Man in iniquity (Wickedness). Contrary to religious scriptures, modern scientific facts, and contrary to reality, we are told that God exists outside of Man. According to science and reality it is revealed that the Creator radiates from the core of our DNA and our cellular functions. "Know ye not that ye are the Spirit of God," the scriptures manifest. Challenging this truth, the academic world and scientists rather have us believe creation randomly happened and Man evolved from an Ape. Who came up with this negative doctrine that separated God from reality and subconsciously influences the savage and criminal mentality we see in today's world. From Police Brutality and murder, rape, robbery, and ignorance, how did the human race which was created in the image of God lose the consciousness of our Divinity? Like the Ancients of long ago who lived in harmony with the universe, how do we spiritually develop ourselves beyond the wickedness of the world and find peace amongst the chaos we live in? In Children Of The Stars we will explore how religious scriptures, science, and ancient wisdom reveals a reality that Man's oldest Ancestor is the Creator of the universe and Man's quest in life is to reach his full potential as a Supreme Being and live Divine. We will explore the inner depths of consciousness and journey through the dimensions of time and history to discover who and what we are, our origins of life, where we have been, and how to reach our destination in life as Children of The Stars where the sky isn't the limit as many believe, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within."
Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2021
  • 9781955809085
  • 494 pages
  • $37.53
