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China's Greatest Statesman
Roy McCall, author
Hua'an born Zhou Enlai became contemporary China's greatest statesman, spymaster and negotiator. His fatal flaw also doomed his step children, China's president Liu Shaoqi and the career of President Xi Jinxing's father. Ferocious politics contrasts with quiet service in the town Zhou Enlai left behind.
author commentary

China President Xi Jinping's vigorous anti-corruption campaign can be better appreciated in context of his father's career destruction - by none other than China's greatest statesman Zhou Enlai.  If the present campain were more vicious than vigorous, then power industry entrenched family of former premier Li Peng should be concerned, given Li Peng's rise from foster (yet not adopted) child of Zhou Enlai.  Zhou, despite his fatal flaw, still out-negotiated Henry Kissinger, whose massive intelligence misjudgment led to costly losses in negotiations.




