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Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • 09/2016
  • 122 pages
  • $2.99
Jennifer Peel
Christopher and Jaime (Pianos and Promises - A Novella Series Book 1)
Jaime Seger has two goals in life: marry her best friend, the man that owns her heart and soul, and buy her very own grand piano. But Christopher McKay, who has no idea Jaime's been in love with him since she was eleven years old, never gets the memo and marries someone else. ​ When Christopher's wife dies, Jamie finds herself helping him raise his young daughter. A year later, she is on the other end of a very unlikely proposal, promising everything she thought she ever wanted. ​ But will Christopher help Jaime finally realize both of her dreams, or will she only be left with broken promises?
Bethany from One Book at a Time

What an amazing novella ... I couldn't put it down. Such a moving story from page to page.

Charissa from Joy in the Moments

Jennifer Peel is not only a writer, but a magician, because she wrote a novella, but then pulled everything I could want from a full-length novel out of her magic hat. I could NOT put it down after reading the first chapter. I'm fair and honest in saying this book is crazy good!

Kathy from I Am a Reader

Oh my heart, Jennifer really knows how to tug at my heartstrings. I feel such strong emotions every time I read one of her books. She writes characters who are so real, I can feel their pain and celebrate when they triumph. This is a novella but the characters and storyline are fully developed and this book left me feeling completely satisfied. So well done!

Readers' Favorite Book Review

Christopher and Jaime is a well-written and enjoyable tale. Book One is highly recommended for romance readers.

Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • 09/2016
  • 122 pages
  • $2.99
