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Paperback Book Details
  • 03/2014
  • 9781492963042
  • 270 pages
  • $24.95
Clairvoyant Psychotherapy
Clairvoyant Psychology, a non-fiction book, describes in depth the process I use to weave clairvoyance into the psychotherapeutic session. The first section details a meditation process that helps my clients focus inward. I teach a three part meditation pattern. Grounding, learning to release, let go, open to new energy. Connecting to Earth Energy – infusing the nurturance and brilliance of nature. Connecting to the Cosmos – tuning into our spiritual nature, guidance and divinity. We come to a vertical alignment sourcing from heaven and earth. This empowers us to access answers of which we were previously unaware. The second section details the energy centers within, called chakras. Together we explore the hidden origins that underlie the current challenges. These are lodged within the core focus of the different chakras. The chakras are the ‘maps’ of my clients’ psyche. In health they spin, vitalizing the cells and the aura. Each has a specialized focus from the base of the spine on up to the crown. Ranging from survival issues, emotions, personal will, love and compassion, inner voice, clairvoyance, and spiritual wisdom. The final section is comprised of transcripts of sessions to demonstrate how this weaving of clairvoyance, the chakras and meditation unfolds in the psychotherapy process. Each client begins with some specific content in mind. As they describe their issue, pictures begin to emerge in the chakras in which the blocks are stored. These pictures are the roots to which the current challenge is connected. When the roots become exposed, the current problems become unhinged and begin to release. As a clairvoyant, I track the consciousness focus of my client and can guide them to the energetic blocks they are ready to reveal. These reveal themselves as darker areas, static pools, and tangles of energy. As our consciousness meets on these points, there is a deep recognition and the beginning of disentangling the core wounds. This book was written from an accumulation of 40 years experience as a psychotherapist and psychic.
Paperback Book Details
  • 03/2014
  • 9781492963042
  • 270 pages
  • $24.95
