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Emme Klama
Clawed: The Spy Cat
Emme Klama, author
The Kid just wants to start summer vacation and sleep. But suddenly, a cat literally drops from the sky. Not just any cat, but a supercat with some very large claws, who turns out to be super intelligent, snarky, and...a spy! You name him "Clawed" and before you know it, you're off on the adventure of your lifetime: you get an invitation from The President himself to help solve the Cabinet Cats' mysterious disappearance. But not before the President's daughter gets kidnapped, along with her cat. The Kid and Clawed team up and a good thing too as the perpetrator is none other than Jacques, a bionic rat with evil intentions, and an old friend/foe of Clawed. The outcome hinges on whether Clawed can overcome his urge to nap, and if he can win the fight with Jacques. Will The Kid and Clawed save the cats and the President's bossy daughter? Will Clawed learn how not to pick his nose?
