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Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2023
  • 979-8-9894279-0-1 B0CLN3CQX4
  • 344 pages
  • $17.95
Ebook Details
  • 10/2023
  • 344 pages
  • $5.99
Hardcover Details
  • 10/2023
  • 979-8-9894279-1-8 B0CLK2X6CG
  • 344 pages
  • $24.95
Audio Details
  • 04/2024
  • 344 pages
  • $24.95
KM Taylor
Author, Illustrator
Codex Sohrakia: The Gifted Dark
KM Taylor, author

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)



Is it possible to find redemption in the darkest of places? 

Saham, an Eternal Seraphon, faces banishment from The Realm of Light for meddling with The Dark. As he fights to regain his rightful place, his relentless pursuit of forgiveness causes pain and suffering to those he holds most dear as he struggles to undo his past transgressions. 

Codex Sohrakia: The Gifted Dark is a unique, surreal dark fantasy written in an epic, poetic style. It features a variety of intriguing and heartfelt characters and wild, surreal dimensions. The story and creativity have been compared to the chilling Mythos creations of HP Lovecraft and Brian Lumley and the imaginative world of Clive Barkers Imajica. If you’re a fan of any of these authors, this unique and captivating story will enthrall you.

**Please read the prologue in order to understand the key elements of the story properly.

Ajay Howarth via Facebook

A remarkable book that defies expectation in the realm of good versus evil. Taylor’s descriptive prose brings the characters and their environments to life, immersing the reader in a rich and imaginative world. The unique and imaginative characters are well-developed, and their complexity adds depth to the story. The author skillfully explores the gray areas of morality, creating a captivating and thought-provoking narrative. 

Bill Trumpler via Amazon

Memorable characters and delightful world-building. I had a lot of fun reading it.

Emily-Ione Kinney via Amazon

A Classic Tale with a Twist 

This book is a tale of good vs evil, but it's not what you are expecting. While reading this book I was drawn to the themes of acceptance vs antipathy, what is good and what is evil, it also shines a light on what we are willing to give of ourselves for the sake of others.
The imagery is detailed and the author is able to paint a vivid picture of the characters as well as their environments. The characters are unique, imaginative and compelling.
Fantasy is not typically my preferred genre but I really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to more works from this author!

H. P. Dunbar via Amazon

This is a fun and page-turning journey in a mythical and magical universe that is somewhat similar and yet entirely alien from our own. The characters are well developed, and I left the book wanting to learn more about them and their lives in these realms.

It's very difficult for authors to grasp the gray (as I'm sure many have used this term). There is a light and nuanced balance in interesting characters. Nobody is all good or all bad in other words. I find characters that are extremely one-sided to be quite uninteresting and yet, it's difficult for writers to grasp that idea. K.M. Taylor is an expert at this nuance and makes the world come to life and it's been a breath of fresh air to read this.

Jakeofalltrades via Amazon

The author has been compared to having a writing style similar to Brian Lumley and embraces and excels in that style. Her characters are unique and the obstacles they encounter and how they are afflicted by those actions to overcome those obstacles are intriguing. These characters are also never defined as good and evil and the balance in writing them is superb. Although the setting is not our reality, she weaves in familiar history and lore that helps to ease the readers into this universe. I highly recommend this and cannot wait to see the next book with these characters and this world KM Taylor has created.

Kelly via

An engaging story from start to finish - the characters and worlds are well-fleshed out and the author’s writing style makes it difficult to put this book down. Fantastic read!

Lisa Swenhaugen via Amazon

Fantasy is not everyone's genre because it's just so out there and sometimes the story kinda gets lost in all of the abstract. This is a book that anyone can enjoy because the story won't loose you. It's well written and the characters are very relatable. If you want to take a break from reality then grab a copy of Codex Sohrakia: The Gifted Dark, and experience a dark fantasy world that will challenge your perception of good and evil.

Louise E. Review via Amazon

I love this book! Just when you think you have it figured out, you don't! The characters are delightful and the story is mesmerizing and thought provoking. I think I will go read it again!!

Martin Rowe via Amazon

As a first time reader to dark fantasy I wasn't to sure what I'd make of the genre. By the time I was halfway down the page I was absolutely engrossed, all the way to the end. The poetic and rhythmic writing style that the Author possesses, coupled with her excellent descriptive approach really had me visualising the whole story, even when I didn't have the book open. What was of particular note was her ability to shape and build a plausible world in which her story is set, making it even more enjoyable. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves, or is looking to explore the world of dark fantasy, and for young adults upwards. If Amazon had a 6th star this brilliant piece of literature, which may I add reminded me of elements of Dantes 'Divine Comedy', would get it. Great job and I can't wait to see where you go with Chapter 2 (those who know, know). I'm now in the KM Taylor fan club 😁

Matt Mememaro via Goodreads

A tale as old as time. What is good, what is evil? Codex Sohrakia is a fantastic novel, beautifully written. The world building by KM Taylor is well crafted and excellently described. I found myself questioning Saham’a’iel who reads to me as a sort of god figure within the story. All power and regal. In my opinion he is the best character in the book! The Immortal Realms are an interesting concept and for anyone who likes a different sort of fantasy, this is definitely worth a read.
The themes explored within Codex Sohrakia can have a deeper meaning than just beyond the dark and the light.


This was an absolutely fantastic journey into a world separated by light and dark that has all kinds of twists and turns you wouldn't expect and amazing world building. Fantastical, ethereal, and spiritual in an other worldly sense with the most intense visuals and creatively described characters that you really end up feeling deeply for. Absolutely worth the read and will have you dying to know more about the lore, the creatures within, and where they go from here! Can't wait for the next book!

Outstanding Creator Awards Editorial Review

Exceprt from the review. Full review contains SPOILERS.

Codex Sohrakia by KM Taylor is one of the most unique, fascinating, and epic novels of the season! 

To put this book in the simplest and most digestible terms possible: this is a book that takes the Biblical story of creation and various other cosmological origin stories (particularly Egyptian, Central American, and Mesopotamian) and presents them in a very different—dare we sat, contrarian--light (no pun intended), one that's supposed to make sense to a modern audience. It marries the popular creationist concept with some science and quasi-science including an explanation for the existence of dark matter, which is a major plot device in this book.

This is a very ambitious book and a very interesting read!

Phantasmagoria July 2024 Editorial Review

    For a debut novel, Codex Sohrakia is outstanding. The prose is poetic, at times reminiscent of an Epic — ‘Paradise Lost’ comes to mind, which I can only assume was a point of inspiration for Taylor. But more so than the writing, for me, what really shines through is Taylor’s seamless ability to build not just a world, but a universe, a mythology — a creation story. And the scope clearly did not overwhelm her, as the detail in the mortal world and its inhabitants and environments, married with the obscurity and mystery surrounding the home of the Seraphon, makes for a compelling and feasible setting. Taylor expertly weaves the information she wants you to know with just as many questions to keep you invested and always wanting more, but also sparking reasonable doubt within the reader as the story unfolds and more of the world is open to them. The world feels real, tangible yet obscure all at once. Both reasonable and inexplicable. 

    Thematically, the concept of good and evil is constantly explored through the actions of Saham and the sizable cast of characters. However, what I found to be most compelling, was the exploration of redemption and punishment.

    As Saham embarks on his quest for redemption — a quest he bestows upon himself, may I stress — we are witness to some incredibly disturbing acts. Arguably evil acts. But are these acts “evil” when being done in the name of good? Of God? It is harrowing to read Saham’s constant justifications for what he does — justifications that are not an attempt to convince the reader, but to convince himself. And then the question is asked: who is punishing who? Has Saham fallen so low because of his own guilt? Because he believes himself to require punishment? It’s a profound concept, that one has been indoctrinated to deeply believe in sin, that their punishment is not a divine act of God, or of anyone else for that matter. That it is self-inflicted, self-perpetuating.

    And that, for me, was what made this novel outstanding.

    The novel is not scary, however there is an undeniable horror throughout due to the many violent and cruel acts committed against the “other”, and the misunderstood. It can be a harrowing read at various points, and a few instances may evoke a strong emotional response, but Taylor is never obscene or gratuitous with the darker scenes. If you enjoy immense world-building, questions of morality, mythology, and strange-yet-endearing creatures of darkness, this story is very much for you.

Codex Sohrakia: The Gifted Dark is available to purchase from Amazon.

                                           —Tori Borne

Ruth Hays via Amazon

This book tells a familiar tale in a whole new way. It’s sumptuous scenery and emotions roll the reader through a metaphysical and theological journey of self-discovery by giving us characters both intriguing and flawed. It is a story, a romance, a conflict asking the question: “Why are we and who are we?” within the detailed confines of a fantasy setting. The world building is descriptive and hauntingly beautiful. The characters are lovable even when they are doing things that roil your blood. Set in another world or dimension, it tells a tale of attempted redemption and love. The prose carried me along through its dark and mysterious world with little effort, but was “meaty” enough to make me want to visit this world more! I have read it twice and want to visit this Dark World again!

Soddy Review via Amazon Germany

This book is an absolute page turner,from the first paragraph it hooked me,the characters realms ,fascinating creatures and world building are just amazing.
I don't review many books but this one deserves to be written about,it's mind blowing.
Dark versus light ,magic ,redemption, lost love...its all here and more.
If you are looking for a book that draws you in,tosses you around and satisfies every emotion then buy this book,you won't regret it.
The prose is stunning and reminds me of the Master Brian Lumley with some Clive Barker thrown in but has its own unique style.,amazing, amazing amazing.
Watch this author,they will soar ,10/10
I bought the ebook,loved it so much I bought the stunning hardcover which now sits proudly on my shelf.

Tim Westen via Amazon

What a fantastic new author! A must read if you are into dark fantasy. While not a reader or fan of fantasy, I still found myself drawn into the world she creates. Full of characters and beings you really have a passion for and care about. Her writing style is amazing, very poetic. I really think this series is going places. You wont be dissapointed!

The Independent Author Award for Best Fantasy Novel

Codex Sohrakia: The Gifted Dark is the winner of
The Independent Author Award for Best Fanasy Novel!

Codex Sohrakia: The Gifted Dark audiobook out NOW!

The incredible audiobook of my debut novel is now available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. Narrated by the award winning vocal performer, Joshua Saxon, who elevates my prose with his wonderful talent! It's truly an experience! I could not be happier!

Visit the link today and start your journey. I promise you won't be disappointed. 

Joshua Saxon Audio:

Editorial Review by Phantasmagoria Magazine

Read the glowing review of Codex Sohrakia: The Gifted Dark by Tori Borne for Phantasmagoria Magazine! You can also read the review here on my book page.

KM Taylor’s Big Hits Radio UK Interview

The link goes to my website Videos page, and the interview is the second one on the page. It is hosted by @TheNecromech on YouTube. 

Thank you @TheNecromech for posting to your channel.


I will be participating in a compilation of various writings called, Mosaic. I have submitted a novel from Codex Sohrakia: The Gifted Dark, as well as my brief bio. This is an exciting opportunity to share the book with many wonderful authors. I'm honored and thrilled! Mosaic is being organized via a private Facebook group, so I haven't yet got a link for the book. I will post separately, once there is a link for purchase.

Now Available at My First Local Bookstore!

Codex Sohrakia: The Gifted Dark is available at my local bookstore, Happy Medium Books Cafe. This is the first location to carry my book.

Reader's House Magazine Interview

It was fun and a pleaseure to be interviewed by Reader's House. I thoroughly enjoyed the questions and the whole process. I feel bad that I forgot to mention one of my greatest literary influences, Edgar Rice Burroughs. But I will not forget next time. 

Readers Choice Interview

Visit the link to read my interview for Reader's Choice Magazine, the April 2024 issue.

Second Local Bookstore

Codex Sohrakia: The Gifted Dark is available at both locations of Chamblin Bookmine, the second local bookstore to carry my book. 

The Literary Lounge

The Literary Lounge now carries Codex Sohrakia: The Gifted Dark.

WINNER of the Independent Author Award 2024

Codex Sohrakia: The Gifted Dark has won best novel in the Fantasy category! I'm thrilled. I've entered several award contests and this is the first one to announce finalists, so I'm quite happy to have won my first literary award! 

Won Best Cover of the Week contest on Facebook

The group, Published Authors Only, holds a weekly best cover contest. I entered the Codex Sohrakia cover against many wonderful covers. I spent hours on my cover, working in digital art from pencil sketches to achieve the look I was going for. I do get lots of compliments on it, which is thrilling. This is the first win for anything related to my writing and I'm honored. PAO is a great group, with supporting pages, that are very supportive to indie authors. I highly recommend them to authors who use FB for their own promotion.

Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2023
  • 979-8-9894279-0-1 B0CLN3CQX4
  • 344 pages
  • $17.95
Ebook Details
  • 10/2023
  • 344 pages
  • $5.99
Hardcover Details
  • 10/2023
  • 979-8-9894279-1-8 B0CLK2X6CG
  • 344 pages
  • $24.95
Audio Details
  • 04/2024
  • 344 pages
  • $24.95
