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Ebook Details
  • 03/2023
  • 9781647046514
  • 227 pages
  • $9.99
Bublish, Inc.
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Collaborative Confidence

This book is for brilliant, talented, successful women, who want to polish their leadership skills, boost their confidence, and work and lead from a place of authentic strength. It’s a new way for women to become more impactful and visible, and help other talented women do the same. Dr. Heather Backstrom brings her 25 years of corporate human resources, and executive coaching experience to Collaborative Confidence, an inclusive, open, and fulfilling way to grow, share, and lead at work.

Through its three pillars - Activate, Amplify and Accelerate - Collaborative Confidence explores how women leaders can:

• become more self-aware

• work in alignment with their values and strengths

• showcase their unique skills and talents, and those of other women

• foster executive presence

• demonstrate their impact

• enhance their influence

• encourage and advocate for other women

• call attention to the talents and skills of other women

• bring about meaningful and substantive change for women in the workplace

When women engage in Collaborative Confidence, they are naturally truer to themselves, and help other women feel the same. Combining stories, research, and Dr. Backstrom’s many years of experience with actionable takeaways, Collaborative Confidence is written to help you weave together a happy and fulfilling life and career. Activate your self-awareness, inner champion, core values and strengths, Amplify your visibility and accomplishments, as well as other women leaders, Accelerate human-centric organizational cultures to discover a career that truly reflects your passions, values and goals.

Collaborative Confidence creates an enduring bond between women that propels them forward together.

Arguing that “women are relational creatures who need confidence to succeed and crave connection and collaboration,” Backstrom debuts with a corporate leadership guide that encourages women leaders and entrepreneurs to build confidence, increase self-awareness, and amplify their voices by uniting with other talented women to effect positive systemic changes in corporate leadership and to smash glass ceilings. Drawing upon experience as a corporate leadership coach, Backstrom introduces the concept of Collaborative Confidence, its three main pillars, and practical strategies that work in conjunction to showcase the extraordinary power and necessity of women leaders.

The bulk of the guide walks readers through Collaborative Confidence and its main foundational pillars—Activate, Amplify, and Accelerate, which correspond to the guide’s three main sections. The “Activate” pages provide strategies and exercises for women leaders to increase self-awareness, uncover and leverage strengths, establish core values, and awaken their inner champions. Using lessons from the Obama administration and the concept of Shine Theory, the second section presents the strategy of amplification and encourages readers to build strong connections with other professional women, while developing an “abundance mindset.” The “Accelerate” section, meanwhile, addresses how women leaders can speed up the pace of change within the workplace through sponsorship, inclusivity, and creating more flexible work environments.

Backstrom’s purpose is clear: to inspire women to “weave together a happy and fulfilling life and career.” Backstrom writes with persuasive power, an inviting tone, and clear depth of experience, so that declarations like this ring out: “When women discover and tap into their own unique talents and powers as well as those of other women, it awakens an unstoppable transformational force,” Sharing compelling examples and inspirational stories from Malala Yousafzai, Girl Scouts of America, and the Obama administration, Backstrom showcases the importance of women’s leadership and how it works to drive significant change in both the workplace and society as a whole.

Takeaway: An impassioned guide challenging women leaders to build confidence and unite.

Comparable Titles: Katty Kay and Claire Shipman’s The Confidence Code, Grace Bonney’s In the Company of Women.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A-

Ebook Details
  • 03/2023
  • 9781647046514
  • 227 pages
  • $9.99
