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Keith Yocum
Color of Blood
Keith Yocum, author

Adult; Mystery/Thriller; (Market)

Dennis is glad to be back at work. His wife’s death left him devastated but he’ll do anything to lose himself into work at the Inspector General’s office of the CIA. A brilliant, if prickly investigator, he’s spent his career chasing down the Agency’s thieves and liars. When his boss forces him to take a low-level assignment to investigate a missing employee in Australia, he soon finds that even in the red dust of the Outback, there is romance – and death – just a sweltering moment away.
Plot/Idea: 8 out of 10
Originality: 9 out of 10
Prose: 8 out of 10
Character/Execution: 8 out of 10
Overall: 8.25 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Readers will find much to sink their teeth into in Color of Blood. Yocum has crafted a twisty, engaging plot harboring a few secrets, with plenty of action, intrigue, and fast pacing. 

Prose: Yocum is a solid writer, able to deftly handle action, description, and dialogue. At times there's a bit of repetition, but otherwise, Yocum demonstrates good command of language and grammar.

Originality: Yocum has succeeded in making this novel different from others in the genre by his choice of location and the gripping premise.

Character/Execution: The novel is dominated by Dennis, a strong character recovering from the loss of his wife as the story opens; supporting characters make the plot believable and dynamic.

Date Submitted: May 15, 2023

