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Conflict of Visions: The Birthing of a University
Conflict of Visions tells the inside story of the creation of California State University Channel Islands, the behind-the-scenes battles and power plays that eventually forced out the person who dedicated almost a quarter century to bring public higher education to Ventura County, California. This may not sound exciting, but the path has more twists and turns than many suspense novels. When she started, Joyce M. Kennedy had no idea it would take a Sisyphean struggle in a lovely California city to try to establish a public university. Here is a story that had to be told - a true story of clear-versus-clouded visions, hidden agendas, politics, power struggles, threats of closure, myopia, and the ups and downs of a quarter century struggle. It is a story of heartbreak, but also of ultimate vindication and triumph, the creation of a new university—CSU Channel Islands
