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Ebook Details
  • 03/2024
  • 246 pages
  • $4
May Clarke, author
Lia, an average writer living an average life had found a thrilling motive to forge ahead. In the quiet hours of the evening, unnoticed, she retrieved letters from a stranger’s grave. Letters that were penned by a man to his dead wife. The sudden uncanny tone of the letters alerted her of a forthcoming disaster that led her to kill a man. 17th century: Three hundred years from now, a girl will kill the immortal warlock. Being part of an unforgivable crime, submerged in relentless guilt, Lia surrendered herself in the hope of fixing things she ruined herself, just to get accused of being mentally deranged. Amidst the chaotic take on her life, Lia finds a hidden reality about herself, lost in the great fold of time.
Ebook Details
  • 03/2024
  • 246 pages
  • $4
