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Peter Kent
Coronavirus & COVID-19: What It Is, How to Avoid It, How to Survive It
Peter Kent, author
280+ Pages - 90+ Images - 700+ Links to Useful Resources   Learn about the pandemic from the very beginning. What is a virus (and why are viruses not actually "alive")? Why are masks are so important (and why the authorities in the West lied to their populations in the early days)? How can hand soap can be so effective (more than antibacterial soap)? What's the difference between SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, novel coronavirus, SARS, and MERS?   Learn the 11 reasons the virus is nothing like the flu; the truth about the six-foot rule (no, it's not really enough); what we can learn from the Great Manchurian Plague of 1910; what the new science of "immunosenescence" tells us about the risk to older people; things you can do to build your immunity and reduce your risk from the virus; about studies showing that boosting the Vitamin D levels in your blood helps protect you, and why Dr. Fauci believes in both Vitamin C and Vitamin D; how the race for a vaccine has been politicized (and quite likely won't lead to a vaccine any time soon...if ever).
