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Ray Pairan
Corporate Dictatorship - The World Controlled From the Top By Megalomaniacs Volume III
Ray Pairan, author

Adult; History & Military; (Market)

All the thwarted ambitions of the brilliant, the withered dreams of the passionate, and the wilted aspirations of the driven are harnessed under the great corporate wheel to be drained in the name of profit. Not profit that benefits humankind, but profit that is added to the mountain of loot already extracted from our planet’s tortured environment and its demeaned population. Why do we work under, are subservient to others who prescribe our daily activities – those stale corporate minds that waste us on production that only marginally benefits us? This collection of essays details how the current societal framework is designed to benefit the few at the expense of the many and how we can change this trajectory of wealth despotism into an egalitarian cooperative community.
