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Matthew Minson
Author, Illustrator
David Crockett, an outdoors averse, administrative drone in a multinational energy conglomerate (oil company) is sent by his deranged, nudist CEO to purchase the remote West Texas town of Crockettville and secure its extraordinary wind resources. Why? Because his boss erroneously assumes that Crockett must be related to the famous Davy Crockett and his lesser-known brother, Milburn, the lone accountant at the Alamo. (Not a real person) At first horrified by the place and its bizarre residents, he awakens to the beauty of the natural world and finds his truer self through the eyes of his "token" environmental engineer colleague - who also knows, and constantly sings, the lyrics to every Broadway showtune ever written - a beautiful, brilliant scientist who entrances and enlightens Crockett, a Native American lawyer with a razor sharp sense of humor, a fried pie artisan who has all of Hollywood at her beck and call, a fiery Latina tequila smuggler and a cantankerous burro who embodies the town’s spirit of social activism. This is Crockettville, where it might just be the fried pies and tequila talking, but you could get used to the place.

“…What Sun City did for seniors and rebellion… Crockettville does for the environment and… donkeys…”

“…this book is quixotic, surreal, brilliant. Very, very funny and very, very , very smart.”

“…Leave it to Minson to create a character like BidenTrump…”

1 week in the top 20 for Crockettville!

Thanks to everyone who has helped keep Crockettville in the top 20 for Cultural, Ethnic, and Regional Humor on Amazon Kindle and paperback!

Crockettville debuted as the top new release in Cultural, Ethnic, and Regional H

Just learned it has also gone to #3 in Political Humor on Kindle! I am beyond delighted.



Number One on Kindle!

Crockettville is the Tops! (

